Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Technical Overview

Web Services Security

A web service is a component service or application that exposes some type of business or infrastructure functionality through a language-neutral and platform-independent, network interface; enterprises might use this web service to build larger service-oriented architectures. In particular, the service defines its interface (for example, the format of the message being exchanged) using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), and communicates using SOAP and eXtensible Markup Language (XML) messages. The web service client (WSC) communicates with the web service provider (WSP) through an intermediary — usually a firewall or load balancer.

Although web services enable open, flexible, and adaptive interfaces, their openness creates security risks. Without proper security protections, a web service can expose vulnerabilities that might have dire consequences. Hence, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and security of web services through the application of a comprehensive security model is critical for both enterprises and consumers. A successful security model associates identity data with the web services and creates secure service-to-service interactions. The security model adopted by OpenSSO Enterprise identifies the user and preserves that identity through multiple interactions, maintains privacy and data integrity, uses existing technologies, and logs the interactions. In OpenSSO Enterprise, the following web service security standards are implemented:

The web services security framework uses the Security Token Service and separately installed security agents. For more information on OpenSSO Enterprise web services and web services security, see Core Services and Part IV, The Web Services Stack, Identity Services, and Web Services Security.