Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Technical Overview

Logging Service Interfaces

There are two Java interfaces provided with the Logging Service. The Java application programming interface (API) com.sun.identity.log provides the means for an application external to OpenSSO Enterprise to record events to, and retrieve records from, the Logging Service. LogRecord and Logger are used for writing, while LogReader, LogQuery, and QueryElement are used for reading. With this API it is possible to write a custom log reading program by setting up queries to retrieve specific records from the log file or database. The Java service provider interface (SPI) com.sun.identity.log.spi is used to develop plug-ins to the Logging Service for authorization and other service implementations of secure logging.

Other pluggable SPI with interface definitions may be used; for example, ITimestampGenerator and SecureTimestampGenerator. Existing provider modules may be useful as models for writing additional providers. For more information, see the Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Java API Reference and the Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Developer’s Guide.

Note –

OpenSSO Enterprise also has a Logging Service API for C applications. For more information, see the Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 C API Reference for Application and Web Policy Agent Developers.