Sun Cluster Data Service for PostgreSQL Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureExample: Enabling the PostgreSQL Software to Run in the Cluster

  1. Create the directories for the databases, WAL archives, configurations, utilities, and the log file.

    Note –

    Perform the following steps in your target environment either in the global or in the local zone unless it is specified otherwise.

    phys-schost-1$ mkdir /postgres/data

    phys-schost-1$ mkdir /postgres/logs

    phys-schost-1$ mkdir /postgres/83_walarchives

    phys-schost-2$ mkdir /postgres/data

    phys-schost-2$ mkdir /postgres/utilities

    phys-schost-2$ mkdir /postgres/log

    phys-schost-2$ mkdir /postgres/83_walarchives
  2. Change to the PostgreSQL root directory and initialize the data cluster.

    phys-schost-1$ cd /postgres/postgresql-8.3.1

    phys-schost-1$ ./bin/initdb -D /postgres/data

    phys-schost-2$ cd /postgres/postgresql-8.3.1

    phys-schost-2$ ./bin/initdb -D /postgres/data
  3. Start the database.

    phys-schost-1$ ./bin/postmaster -D /postgres/postgresql-8.3.1
  4. Prepare the Sun Cluster specific test database.

    Note –

    If you are in a local zone, ensure that you have access to a copy of your configuration file.

    phys-schost-1$ ksh /opt/SUNWscPostgreSQL/util/pgs_db_prep -f /postgres/pgs_config_pri
  5. Stop the postmaster.

    phys-schost-1$ ./bin/pg_ctl -D /postgres/data stop
  6. Copy the PGDATA directory to the standby.

    phys-schost-1$ cd /postgres

    phys-schost-1$ /usr/local/bin/rysync -arv ./data phys-schost-2:/postgres

    Note –

    If your target environment is in a zone, use zone 2 instead of phys-schost-2.

  7. Protect the PostgreSQL configuration files.

    Note –

    The PostgreSQL configuration files are overwritten during resilvering. You need to move the configuration files to prevent them from being overwritten.

    phys-schost-1$ cd /postgres

    phys-schost-1$ mkdir config

    phys-schost-1$ cd data

    phys-schost-1$ mv postgresql.conf ../config

    phys-schost-1$ ln -s ../config/postgresql.conf ./postgresql.conf

    phys-schost-1$ touch ../config/recovery.conf

    phys-schost-1$ ln -s ../config/recovery.conf ./recovery.done

    phys-schost-2$ cd /postgres

    phys-schost-2$ mkdir config

    phys-schost-2$ cd data

    phys-schost-2$ mv postgresql.conf ../config

    phys-schost-2$ ln -s ../config/postgresql.conf ./postgresql.conf

    phys-schost-2$ touch ../config/recovery.conf

    phys-schost-2$ ln -s ../config/recovery.conf ./recovery.conf
  8. Provide the contents for the PostgreSQL recovery file.

    phys-schost-1$ echo restore_command = 'cp /pgs/83_walarchives/%f %p' \
    > /postgresql/data/recovery.done

    phys-schost-2$ echo restore_command = '/postgres/postgres-8.3.1/bin \
    /pg_standby -k 10 -t /postgres/data/failover /postgres/83_walarchives %f %p' \
  9. Configure the archive command in the postgresql.conf file on phys-schost-1 or zone1 by providing the following content.

    archive_command = '/usr/local/bin/rsync -arv %p \
    phys-schost-2:/postgres/83_walarchives/%f </dev/null'

    Note –

    If you are in a zone environment , replace phys-schost-2 by zone 2 in the example.

  10. Configure the archive command in the postgresql.conf file on phys-schost-2 or zone2 by providing the following content.

    archive_command = '/usr/local/bin/rsync -arv %p \
    phys-schost-1:/postgres/83_walarchives/%f </dev/null'

    Note –

    If you are in a zone environment, replace phys-schost-1 by zone 1 in the example.

  11. Exit from the postgres user ID.

    phys-schost-1# exit
  12. Run the pgs_register script in the global zone to register the resources.

    phys-schost-1# ksh /opt/SUNWscPostgreSQL/util/pgs_register -f /postgres/pgs_config_pri

    phys-schost-2# ksh /opt/SUNWscPostgreSQL/util/pgs_register -f /postgres/pgs_config_sta

    phys-schost-1# ksh /opt/SUNWscPostgreSQL/rolechg/util/rolechg-register -f \
  13. Add the following line to the postgresql.conf file in the PGDATA directory on both nodes and zones.

    listen_addresses = 'localhost, ha-host1'
  14. Add the following line to the pg_hba.conf file in the PGDATA directory on both nodes and zones.

    host all all password
  15. Enable the resources in the global zone.

    phys-schost-1# clresource enable STA-RS

    phys-schost-1# clresource enable PRIM-RS

    phys-schost-1# clresource enable ROLECHG-RS
  16. Copy the resilver scripts by performing the following steps in your target environment, either in the global or local zone.

    phys-schost-2# cp /opt//SUNWscPostgreSQL/rolechg/util/resilver-step1 \

    phys-schost-2# cp /opt//SUNWscPostgreSQL/rolechg/util/resilver-step2 \

    phys-schost-2# chown -R postgres:postgres /postgres/utilities
  17. Modify the following variables in your copy of the resilver-step1 script.

    ##### Customize the following variables##########
    RESYNC=/usr/local/bin/rsync -rav
    ##### End of customizations ##########
  18. Modify the following variables in your copy of the resilver-step2 script.

    ##### Customize the following variables##########
    RESYNC=/usr/local/bin/rsync -rav
    ##### End of customizations ##########