Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

Enabling Auto-Reconnect

If you are using conventional clusters, you enable automatic reconnection by setting the connection factory imqReconnectEnabled attribute to true. If you are using a high availability cluster, the imqReconnectEnabled attribute is ignored; the client runtime will automatically reconnect to a backup broker if the connection is lost. This applies to all deployment configurations: whether Message Queue is used stand alone or whether the connection is created through a resource adapter.

No matter which type of cluster you are using, you must also configure the connection factory administered object to specify the following information.

Single-Broker Auto-Reconnect

Configure your connection-factory object as follows:

Example 3–3 Example of Command to Configure a Single Broker

imqobjmgr add -t cf -l "cn=myConnectionFactory" \
    -o "imqAddressList=mq://jpgserv/jms" \
    -o "imqReconnect=true" \
    -o "imqReconnectAttempts=10"
    -j "java.naming.factory.initial = 
    -j "java.naming.provider.url= file:///home/foo/imq_admin_objects"  

This command creates a connection-factory object with a single address in the broker address list. If connection fails, the client runtime will try to reconnect with the broker 10 times. If an attempt to reconnect fails, the client runtime will sleep for three seconds (the default value for the imqReconnectInterval attribute) before trying again. After 10 unsuccessful attempts, the application will receive a JMSException .

You can ensure that the broker starts automatically at system start-up time. See Starting Brokers Automatically in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Administration Guide for information on how to configure automatic broker start-up. For example, on the Solaris platform, you can use /etc/rc.d scripts.

Parallel Broker Auto-Reconnect

Configure your connection-factory objects as follows:

Example 3–4 Example of Command to Configure Parallel Brokers

imqobjmgr add -t cf -l "cn=myCF" \
    -o "imqAddressList=myhost1, mqtcp://myhost2:12345/jms" \
    -o "imqReconnect=true" \
    -o "imqReconnectRetries=5"
    -j "java.naming.factory.initial = 
    -j "java.naming.provider.url= file:///home/foo/imq_admin_objects"

This command creates a connection factory object with two addresses in the broker list. The first address describes a broker instance running on the host myhost1 with a standard port number (7676). The second address describes a jms connection service running at a statically configured port number (12345).

Clustered-Broker Auto-Reconnect

Configure your connection-factory objects as follows:

Example 3–5 Example of Command to Configure a Broker Cluster

imqobjmgr add -t cf -l "cn=myConnectionFactory" \
    -o "imqAddressList=mq://myhost1/ssljms, \
            mq://myhost2/ssljms, \
            mq://myhost3/ssljms, \
            mq://myhost4/ssljms” \
    -o "imqReconnect=true" \
    -o "imqReconnectRetries=5" \
    -o "imqAddressListBehavior=RANDOM"
    -j "java.naming.factory.initial = 
    -j "java.naming.provider.url= file:///home/foo/imq_admin_objects"

This command creates a connection factory object with four addresses in the imqAddressList. All the addresses point to jms services running on SSL transport on different hosts. Since the imqAddressListBehavior attribute is set to RANDOM, the client connections that are established using this connection factory object will be distributed randomly among the four brokers in the address list. If you are using a high availability cluster, the RANDOM attribute is ignored.

For a conventional cluster, you must configure one of the brokers in the cluster as the master broker.In the connection-factory address list, you can also specify a subset of all the brokers in the cluster.