Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Release Notes

Localization Issues

Multi Lingual version of GlassFish V2 needs to be shipped with the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server.


The Image Packaging System (IPS) needs to be updated with the Multi Lingual package of GlassFish V2, which can be picked up by the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server. This allows a user to use the Administration console and other features in GlassFish V2 in the native language.


These are the two options to solve this issue.

  • When the Multi Lingual packages are available in the GlassFish Update Centre, you can use the IPS update to update the GlassFish install with Multi Lingual features.

  • You can download and install the Multi Lingual version of GlassFish V2 and then install Sun GlassFish Web Space Server.

Multi Lingual labels of Tag name and Search option are corrupted in the WebContent, Wiki, and Blog portlets.


The Multi Lingual labels of Tag name and Categories that are available in the WebContent, Wiki, and Blog portlets are corrupted.


Create the Tag name and Categories in English language.