Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide

Control Panel

You can use the Control Panel to configure the User, Content, Portal, and Server settings. Select Control Panel from the Welcome menu. You can use the tools available on the left menu to perform various administrative tasks.

The tools available to the admin user provide the privileges to perform content management, portal resource administration, server administration, portal administration, WSRP administration, and general administration tasks.

Figure 1–1 Tools available on the Control Panel

Tools available on the Control Panel

You can select a tool from the left menu to apply settings to it. For example, click 'Server Administration' under 'Server'.

You can perform a number of server maintenance activities from this page.

Similarly, you can apply different kind of settings by using the Control Panel. Click the “Back to Community” link in the top right corner of the page to return to the main page.