Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Install Web Space Server

  1. Download the stand-alone version of Web Space Server.

  2. Extract the Web Space Server bundle.


  3. Navigate to the Application folder.

    cd webspace-for-gfv2/webspace/application

  4. Run ant -f install-gfv2.xml.

    ant -f install-gfv2.xml
    Buildfile: install-gfv2.xml
       [input] JAVA_HOME must be set to JDK 1.5 or greater and java must be availab
    le in the execution path. GlassFish must be running. [RETURN to continue or CONT
    ROL-C to stop]
       [input] Enter GlassFish Directory  [\opt\glassfish]
       [input] Enter GlassFish Domain (include full path to domain)  [<install-dir>\glassfish\domains\domain1]
       [input] Enter GlassFish Target  [server]
       [input] Enter GlassFish Administrator [admin]
       [input] Enter GlassFish Administrator Password File (include full path to fi
    le)  [full-path\gfpass.txt]
       [input] Enter GlassFish Administration Port  [4848]
       [input] Can installer deploy wars?  [true]
       [input] Use builtin HSQL or mySQL database  [HSQL]
       [input] Enter Database User Name  [root]
       [input] Enter Database User Password File (include full path to file)  [full-path\dbpass.txt]
    //Place GlassFish admin password in a clear text file, and specify full path to it
       [input] Enter Database Host  [localhost]
       [input] Enter Database Port  [3306]
       [input] Enter Database Name  [lportal]

    You need to set the application server and database properties in the process of running install-gfv2.xml. You have to specify path for a password file (a text file containing the password) for GlassFish. If MySQL is installed on your machine, stop GlassFish and choose MySQL instead of the HSQL database, and make changes to the file as described in the To Connect to a Database Other Than HSQL section. Provide a password file, and restart GlassFish. Provide properties such as hostname, port number, and database name. Make sure that Ant version is 1.7 or greater and JDK is 1.6 or greater. GlassFish need to be running if you are installing on HSQL.