Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Secure Web Access Add-On Guide

Rules for XML Content

Web pages may contain XML content which in turn can contain URLs. XML content that needs to be rewritten is classified into two categories:

Tag Text

This rule is for rewriting the PCDATA of CDATA of the tag element.

This section is divided into the following parts:

Tag Text Syntax

<TagText tag="tagName" 
[attributePatterns=”attribute_patterns_for_ this_tag" source=”*”]/>


tagName is the name of the tag

attributePatterns is the attributes and their value patterns for this tag (optional, meaning this tag has no attributes at all)

source is the URI of this xml file (optional, default is *, meaning, any xml page)

Tag Text Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<Attribute name="src">test.html</attribute>


<TagText tag="attribute" attributePatterns="name=src"/>


<Attribute name="src">gateway-URL/


The first line in the page content has an Attribute Example. The second line in the page content does not contain an attribute with the attribute called name and value of attribute name to be src, and hence no rewriting is done. To rewrite this also we need to have <TagText tag="attribute"/>


The rules for XML attributes are similar to the attribute rules for HTML. The difference is that attribute rules of XML are cases sensitive while HTML attribute rules are not. This is again due to case sensitivity built into XML and not into HTML.

Rewriter translates the attribute value based on the attribute name.

This section is divided into the following parts:

Attribute Syntax

<Attribute name="attributeName" [tag="*" type=”URL” valuePatterns="*" source=”*”]/>


attributeName is the name of the attribute (mandatory)

tag is the name of the tag, where this attribute is present (optional, deafult is * , meaning any tag)

valuePatterns See Using Pattern Matching in Rules.

source is the URI of this XML page (optional, default is *, meaning in any XML page)

Attribute Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<baseroot href="/root.html"/>
<img href="image.html"/>
<string href="1234|substring.html"/>
<check href="1234|string.html"/>


<Attribute name="href"tag="check" valuePatterns="1234|"/>


<baseroot href="/root.html"/><img href="image.html"/>
<string href="1234|substring.html"/><check href="1234|


In the above example, only the fourth line is rewritten because it meets all the conditions specified in the rule. See Using Pattern Matching in Rules.