Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Developer's Guide

Examples of server

You can control multiple servers using a single task. In this example, two servers are started, each using a different password. Only the second server is started in debug mode.

<sun-appserv-instance action="start">
<server host="" passwordfile="${password.greg}"/>
<server host="" passwordfile="${password.joe}"

You can create instances on multiple servers using a single task. This example creates a new instance named qa on two different servers. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-instance action="create" instanceport="8080"
	 instance="qa" passwordfile="${passwordfile}>
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>

These instances can also be removed from their respective servers:

<sun-appserv-instance action="delete" instance="qa"
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>

You can specify different instance names and instance ports using attributes of the nested server element:

<sun-appserv-instance action="create" passwordfile="${passwordfile}>
<server host="" instanceport="8080" instance="qa"/>
<server host="" instanceport="9090"

You can deploy multiple components to multiple servers (see the The component Subelement) . This example deploys each component to two Enterprise Server instances running on remote servers. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" 
  asinstalldir="/opt/s1as8" >
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"
<component file="${assemble}/simplebean.jar"/>

You can also undeploy multiple components from multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being removed from two different instances. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}">
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/>
<component name="simplebean" />

You can enable or disable components on multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being enabled on two different instances. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-component action="enable" passwordfile="${passwordfile}">
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/>
<component name="simplebean" />