Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Release Notes

Application Client

This section describes known application client issues and associated solutions.

Library JAR packaged in Application Client Archive overwrites MANIFEST file (6193556)


If you have a top level JAR file inside your client JAR (in this case, reporter.jar), when you deploy the client JAR, the MANIFEST file for that JAR overwrites the MANIFEST file for the client JAR.


None at this time.

ACC always tries to connect to localhost:3700 (6527987)


The application client always tries to connect to localhost:3700. The problem is that several system properties need to be read before the client code is invoked.


Set the following as system properties (-D in your JAVA_CMD). Do not set them in your appclient code:

org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost = server-instance-host
org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort = server-instance-port

Unable to start domain , missing sunpkcs11.jar (6571044)


Running on 64–bit Linux, the following exception when starting a domain. The issue is a missing sunpkcs11.jar under jdk1.5.0_11/jre/lib/ext/.


This is a known JDK bug with 64–bit Linux, and will be fixed in JDK 1.5.0_13.

ASQuickStartup breaks SocketChannel.keyFor(), returning null instead of the SelectionKey (Issue Tracker 3027)


When a SocketChannel is registered on several Selectors, doing socketChannel.keyFor(lastRegisteredSelector) returns null instead of the SelectionKey.


This is related to a JDK bug, 6562829, and is expected to be fixed in 6.0 U3. A workaround has been included in Enterprise Server 2.1, such that the selector is unwrapped before the keyFor API is called. This enables the keyFor to succeed until JDK bug is fixed.