Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS

Contents of

 * ================
 * Note regarding XML parsing:
 * This program uses the Sun Java Architecture for XML Processing (JAXP) API.
 * See for API documentation and
 * availability information.
 * This program was written for Java 1.3.1 or higher.
 * Program overview:
 * The main thread of the program creates a CrnpClient object, waits for the
 * user to terminate the demo, then calls shutdown on the CrnpClient object
 * and exits the program.
 * The CrnpClient constructor creates an EventReceptionThread object,
 * opens a connection to the CRNP server (using the host and port specified
 * on the command line), constructs a registration message (based on the
 * command-line specifications), sends the registartion message, and reads
 * and parses the reply.
 * The EventReceptionThread creates a listening socket bound to
 * the hostname of the machine on which this program runs, and the port
 * specified on the command line. It waits for an incoming event callback,
 * at which point it constructs an XML Document from the incoming socket
 * stream, which is then passed back to the CrnpClient object to process.
 * The shutdown method in the CrnpClient just sends an unregistration
 * (REMOVE_CLIENT) SC_CALLBACK_REG message to the crnp server.
 * Note regarding error handling: for the sake of brevity, this program just
 * exits on most errors.  Obviously, a real application would attempt to handle
 * some errors in various ways, such as retrying when appropriate.

// JAXP packages
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;

// standard packages
import java.util.*;

 * class CrnpClient
 * -----------------
 * See file header comments above.
class CrnpClient
  * main
  * ----
  * The entry point of the execution, main simply verifies the
  * number of command-line arguments, and constructs an instance
  * of a CrnpClient to do all the work.
 public static void main(String []args)
   InetAddress regIp = null;
   int regPort = 0, localPort = 0;

   /* Verify the number of command-line arguments */
   if (args.length < 4) {
         "Usage: java CrnpClient crnpHost crnpPort "
         + "localPort (-ac | -ae | -re) "
         + "[(M | A | RG=name | R=name) [...]]");

    * We expect the command line to contain the ip/port of the
    * crnp server, the local port on which we should listen, and
    * arguments specifying the type of registration.
   try {
      regIp = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);
      regPort = (new Integer(args[1])).intValue();
      localPort = (new Integer(args[2])).intValue();
   } catch (UnknownHostException e) {

   // Create the CrnpClient
   CrnpClient client = new CrnpClient(regIp, regPort, localPort,

   // Now wait until the user wants to end the program
   System.out.println("Hit return to terminate demo...");

   // read will block until the user enters something
   try {;
   } catch (IOException e) {

   // shutdown the client

 * ======================
 * public methods
 * ======================

  * CrnpClient constructor
  * -----------------------
  * Parses the command line arguments so we know how to contact
  * the crnp server, creates the event reception thread, and starts it
  * running, creates the XML DocumentBuilderFactory obect, and, finally,
  * registers for callbacks with the crnp server.
 public CrnpClient(InetAddress regIpIn, int regPortIn, int localPortIn,
      String []clArgs)
   try {

   regIp = regIpIn;
      regPort = regPortIn;
      localPort = localPortIn;
      regs = clArgs;

      * Setup the document builder factory for
      * xml processing.

      * Create the EventReceptionThread, which creates a 
      * ServerSocket and binds it to a local ip and port.

      * Register with the crnp server.

    } catch (Exception e) {

 * processEvent
 * ---------------
 * Callback into the CrnpClient, used by the EventReceptionThread
 * when it receives event callbacks.
 public void processEvent(Event event)
   * For demonstration purposes, simply print the event
   * to System.out.  A real application would obviously make
   * use of the event in some way.

  * shutdown
  * -------------
  * Unregister from the CRNP server.
 public void shutdown()
  try {
   /* send an unregistration message to the server */
  } catch (Exception e) {

  * ======================
  * private helper methods
  * ======================

  * setupXmlProcessing
  * --------------------
  * Create the document builder factory for
  * parsing the xml replies and events.
 private void setupXmlProcessing() throws Exception
  dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

  // We don't need to bother validating

  // We want to ignore comments and whitespace

  // Coalesce CDATA sections into TEXT nodes.

  * createEvtRecepThr
  * -------------------
  * Creates a new EventReceptionThread object, saves the ip
  * and port to which its listening socket is bound, and
  * starts the thread running.
 private void createEvtRecepThr() throws Exception
  /* create the thread object */
  evtThr = new EventReceptionThread(this);

   * Now start the thread running to begin listening
   * for event delivery callbacks.

  * registerCallbacks
  * ------------------
  * Creates a socket connection to the crnp server and sends
  * an event registration message.
 private void registerCallbacks() throws Exception
  System.out.println("About to register");

   * Create a socket connected to the registration ip/port
   * of the crnp server and send the registration information.
  Socket sock = new Socket(regIp, regPort);
  String xmlStr = createRegistrationString();
  PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(sock.getOutputStream());

   * Read the reply
   * Close the socket connection.

  * unregister
  * ----------
  * As in registerCallbacks, we create a socket connection to
  * the crnp server, send the unregistration message, wait for
  * the reply from the server, then close the socket.
 private void unregister() throws Exception
  System.out.println("About to unregister");

   * Create a socket connected to the registration ip/port
   * of the crnp server and send the unregistration information.
  Socket sock = new Socket(regIp, regPort);
  String xmlStr = createUnregistrationString();
  PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(sock.getOutputStream());

   * Read the reply
   * Close the socket connection.

  * createRegistrationString
  * ------------------
  * Constructs a CallbackReg object based on the command line arguments
  * to this program, then retrieves the XML string from the CallbackReg
  * object.
 private String createRegistrationString() throws Exception
   * create the actual CallbackReg class and set the port.
  CallbackReg cbReg = new CallbackReg();
  cbReg.setPort("" + localPort);

  // set the registration type
  if (regs[3].equals("-ac")) {
  } else if (regs[3].equals("-ae")) {
  } else if (regs[3].equals("-re")) {
  } else {
   System.out.println("Invalid reg type: " + regs[3]);

  // add the events
  for (int i = 4; i < regs.length; i++) {
   if (regs[i].equals("M")) {
   } else if (regs[i].equals("A")) {
   } else if (regs[i].substring(0,2).equals("RG")) {
   } else if (regs[i].substring(0,1).equals("R")) {

  String xmlStr = cbReg.convertToXml();
  return (xmlStr);

  * createAllEvent
  * ----------------
  * Creates an XML registartion event with class EC_Cluster, and no
  * subclass.
 private Event createAllEvent()
  Event allEvent = new Event();
  return (allEvent);

  * createMembershipEvent
  * ----------------------
  * Creates an XML registration event with class EC_Cluster, subclass
  * ESC_cluster_memberhip.
 private Event createMembershipEvent()
  Event membershipEvent = new Event();
  return (membershipEvent);

  * createRgEvent
  * ----------------
  * Creates an XML registration event with class EC_Cluster,
  * subclass ESC_cluster_rg_state, and one "rg_name" nvpair (based
  * on input parameter).
 private Event createRgEvent(String rgname)
   * Create a Resource Group state change event for the
   * rgname Resource Group.  Note that we supply
   * a name/value pair (nvpair) for this event type, to
   * specify in which Resource Group we are interested.
   * Construct the event object and set the class and subclass.
  Event rgStateEvent = new Event();

   * Create the nvpair object and add it to the Event.
  NVPair rgNvpair = new NVPair();

  return (rgStateEvent);

  * createREvent
  * ----------------
  * Creates an XML registration event with class EC_Cluster,
  * subclass ESC_cluster_r_state, and one "r_name" nvpair (based
  * on input parameter).
 private Event createREvent(String rname)
   * Create a Resource state change event for the
   * rgname Resource.  Note that we supply
   * a name/value pair (nvpair) for this event type, to
   * specify in which Resource Group we are interested.
  Event rStateEvent = new Event();

  NVPair rNvpair = new NVPair();

  return (rStateEvent);

  * createUnregistrationString
  * ------------------
  * Constructs a REMOVE_CLIENT CallbackReg object, then retrieves
  * the XML string from the CallbackReg object.
 private String createUnregistrationString() throws Exception
   * Crate the CallbackReg object.
  CallbackReg cbReg = new CallbackReg();
  cbReg.setPort("" + localPort);

   * we marshall the registration to the OutputStream
  String xmlStr = cbReg.convertToXml();

  // Print the string for debugging purposes
  return (xmlStr);

  * readRegistrationReply
  * ------------------------
  * Parse the xml into a Document, construct a RegReply object
  * from the document, and print the RegReply object.  Note that
  * a real application would take action based on the status_code
  * of the RegReply object.
 private void readRegistrationReply(InputStream stream)
     throws Exception
  // Create the document builder
  DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
  // Set an ErrorHandler before parsing
  // Use the default handler.
  db.setErrorHandler(new DefaultHandler());

  //parse the input file
  Document doc = db.parse(stream);

  RegReply reply = new RegReply(doc);

 /* private member variables */
 private InetAddress regIp;
 private int regPort;
 private EventReceptionThread evtThr;
 private String regs[];

 /* public member variables */
 public int localPort;
 public DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;

 * class EventReceptionThread
 * ----------------------------
 * See file header comments above.
class EventReceptionThread extends Thread
  * EventReceptionThread constructor
  * ----------------------------------
  * Creates a new ServerSocket, bound to the local hostname and
  * a wildcard port.
 public EventReceptionThread(CrnpClient clientIn) throws IOException
   * keep a reference to the client so we can call it back
   * when we get an event.
  client = clientIn;

   * Specify the IP to which we should bind.  It's
   * simply the local host ip.  If there is more
   * than one public interface configured on this
   * machine, we'll go with whichever one
   * InetAddress.getLocalHost comes up with.
  listeningSock = new ServerSocket(client.localPort, 50,

  * run
  * ---
  * Called by the Thread.Start method.
  * Loops forever, waiting for incoming connections on the ServerSocket.
  * As each incoming connection is accepted, an Event object
  * is created from the xml stream, which is then passed back to
  * the CrnpClient object for processing.
 public void run()
   * Loop forever.
  try {
   // Create the document builder using the document
   // builder factory in the CrnpClient.
   DocumentBuilder db = client.dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

   // Set an ErrorHandler before parsing
   // Use the default handler.
   db.setErrorHandler(new DefaultHandler());

   while(true) {
    /* wait for a callback from the server */
    Socket sock = listeningSock.accept();

    // parse the input file
    Document doc = db.parse(sock.getInputStream());

    Event event = new Event(doc);

    /* close the socket */

  } catch (Exception e) {

 /* private member variables */
 private ServerSocket listeningSock;
 private CrnpClient client;

 * class NVPair
 * -----------
 * This class stores a name/value pair (both Strings).  It knows how to
 * construct an NVPAIR XML message from its members, and how to parse
 * an NVPAIR XML Element into its members.
 * Note that the formal specification of an NVPAIR allows for multiple values.
 * We make the simplifying assumption of only one value.
class NVPair
  * Two constructors: the first creates an empty NVPair, the second
  * creates an NVPair from an NVPAIR XML Element.
 public NVPair()
  name = value = null;

 public NVPair(Element elem)

  * Public setters.
 public void setName(String nameIn)
  name = nameIn;

 public void setValue(String valueIn)
  value = valueIn;

  * Prints the name and value on a single line.
 public void print(PrintStream out)
  out.println("NAME=" + name + " VALUE=" + value);

  * createXmlElement
  * ------------------
  * Constructs an NVPAIR XML Element from the member variables.
  * Takes the Document as a parameter so that it can create the
  * Element.
 public Element createXmlElement(Document doc)
  // Create the element.
  Element nvpair = (Element)
  // Add the name.  Note that the actual name is
  // a separate CDATA section.
  Element eName = doc.createElement("NAME");
  Node nameData = doc.createCDATASection(name);
  // Add the value.  Note that the actual value is
  // a separate CDATA section.
  Element eValue = doc.createElement("VALUE");
  Node valueData = doc.createCDATASection(value);

  return (nvpair);

  * retrieveValues
  * ----------------
  * Parse the XML Element to retrieve the name and value.
 private void retrieveValues(Element elem)
  Node n;
  NodeList nl;

  // Find the NAME element
  nl = elem.getElementsByTagName("NAME");
  if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
   System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
       + "NAME node.");
  // Get the TEXT section
  n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
  if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
   System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
       + "TEXT section.");

  // Retrieve the value
  name = n.getNodeValue();

  // Now get the value element
  nl = elem.getElementsByTagName("VALUE");
  if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
   System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
       + "VALUE node.");
  // Get the TEXT section
  n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
  if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
   System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
       + "TEXT section.");

  // Retrieve the value
  value = n.getNodeValue();

  * Public accessors
 public String getName()
  return (name);

 public String getValue()
  return (value);

 // Private member vars
 private String name, value;

 * class Event
 * -----------
 * This class stores an event, which consists of a class, subclass, vendor,
 * publisher, and list of name/value pairs.  It knows how to
 * construct an SC_EVENT_REG XML Element from its members, and how to parse
 * an SC_EVENT XML Element into its members.  Note that there is an assymetry
 * here: we parse SC_EVENT elements, but construct SC_EVENT_REG elements.
 * That is because SC_EVENT_REG elements are used in registration messages
 * (which we must construct), while SC_EVENT elements are used in event
 * deliveries (which we must parse).  The only difference is that SC_EVENT_REG
 * elements don't have a vendor or publisher.
class Event

  * Two constructors: the first creates an empty Event; the second
  * creates an Event from an SC_EVENT XML Document.
 public Event()
  regClass = regSubclass = null;
  nvpairs = new Vector();

 public Event(Document doc)

  nvpairs = new Vector();

  // Convert the document to a string to print for debugging
  // purposes.
  DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
  StringWriter strWrite = new StringWriter();
  StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(strWrite);
  TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
  try {
   Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
   transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult);
  } catch (TransformerException e) {

  // Do the actual parsing.

  * Public setters.
 public void setClass(String classIn)
  regClass = classIn;

 public void setSubclass(String subclassIn)
  regSubclass = subclassIn;

 public void addNvpair(NVPair nvpair)

  * createXmlElement
  * ------------------
  * Constructs an SC_EVENT_REG XML Element from the member variables.
  * Takes the Document as a parameter so that it can create the
  * Element.  Relies on the NVPair createXmlElement ability.
 public Element createXmlElement(Document doc)
  Element event = (Element)
  event.setAttribute("CLASS", regClass);
  if (regSubclass != null) {
   event.setAttribute("SUBCLASS", regSubclass);
  for (int i = 0; i < nvpairs.size(); i++) {
   NVPair tempNv = (NVPair)
  return (event);

  * Prints the member vars on multiple lines.
 public void print(PrintStream out)
  out.println("\tCLASS=" + regClass);
  out.println("\tSUBCLASS=" + regSubclass);
  out.println("\tVENDOR=" + vendor);
  out.println("\tPUBLISHER=" + publisher);
  for (int i = 0; i < nvpairs.size(); i++) {
   NVPair tempNv = (NVPair)

  * retrieveValues
  * ----------------
  * Parse the XML Document to retrieve the class, subclass, vendor,
  * publisher, and nvpairs.
 private void retrieveValues(Document doc)
  Node n;
  NodeList nl;

  // Find the SC_EVENT element.
  nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("SC_EVENT");
  if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
   System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
       + "SC_EVENT node.");

  n = nl.item(0);

  // Retrieve the values of the CLASS, SUBCLASS,
  // VENDOR and PUBLISHER attributes.
  regClass = ((Element)n).getAttribute("CLASS");
  regSubclass = ((Element)n).getAttribute("SUBCLASS");
  publisher = ((Element)n).getAttribute("PUBLISHER");
  vendor = ((Element)n).getAttribute("VENDOR");

  // Retrieve all the nv pairs
  for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
       child = child.getNextSibling())
   nvpairs.add(new NVPair((Element)child));

  * Public accessor methods.
 public String getRegClass()
  return (regClass);

 public String getSubclass()
  return (regSubclass);

 public String getVendor()
  return (vendor);

 public String getPublisher()
  return (publisher);

 public Vector getNvpairs()
  return (nvpairs);

 // Private member vars.
 private String regClass, regSubclass;
 private Vector nvpairs;
 private String vendor, publisher;

 * class CallbackReg
 * -----------
 * This class stores a port and regType (both Strings), and a list of Events.
 * It knows how to construct an SC_CALLBACK_REG XML message from its members.
 * Note that this class does not need to be able to parse SC_CALLBACK_REG
 * messages, because only the CRNP server must parse SC_CALLBACK_REG
 * messages.
class CallbackReg
 // Useful defines for the setRegType method
 public static final int ADD_CLIENT = 0;
 public static final int ADD_EVENTS = 1;
 public static final int REMOVE_EVENTS = 2;
 public static final int REMOVE_CLIENT = 3;

 public CallbackReg()
  port = null;
  regType = null;
  regEvents = new Vector();

  * Public setters.
 public void setPort(String portIn)
  port = portIn;

 public void setRegType(int regTypeIn)
  switch (regTypeIn) {
  case ADD_CLIENT:
   regType = "ADD_CLIENT";
  case ADD_EVENTS:
   regType = "ADD_EVENTS";
   regType = "REMOVE_CLIENT";
   regType = "REMOVE_EVENTS";
   System.out.println("Error, invalid regType " +
   regType = "ADD_CLIENT";

 public void addRegEvent(Event regEvent)

  * convertToXml
  * ------------------
  * Constructs an SC_CALLBACK_REG XML Document from the member
  * variables.  Relies on the Event createXmlElement ability.
 public String convertToXml()
  Document document = null;
  DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
  try {
   DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
   document = builder.newDocument(); 
  } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
   // Parser with specified options can't be built
  Element root = (Element) document.createElement("SC_CALLBACK_REG");
  root.setAttribute("VERSION", "1.0");
  root.setAttribute("PORT", port);
  root.setAttribute("REG_TYPE", regType);
  for (int i = 0; i < regEvents.size(); i++) {
   Event tempEvent = (Event)

  // Now convert the document to a string.
  DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(document);
  StringWriter strWrite = new StringWriter();
  StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(strWrite);
  TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
  try {
   Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
   transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult);
  } catch (TransformerException e) {
   return ("");
  return (strWrite.toString());

 // private member vars
 private String port;
 private String regType;
 private Vector regEvents;

 * class RegReply
 * -----------
 * This class stores a status_code and status_msg (both Strings).
 * It knows how to parse an SC_REPLY XML Element into its members.
class RegReply

  * The only constructor takes an XML Document and parses it.
 public RegReply(Document doc)
  // Now convert the document to a string.
  DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
  StringWriter strWrite = new StringWriter();
  StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(strWrite);
  TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
  try {
   Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
   transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult);
  } catch (TransformerException e) {


  * Public accessors
 public String getStatusCode()
  return (statusCode);

 public String getStatusMsg()
  return (statusMsg);

  * Prints the info on a single line.
 public void print(PrintStream out)
  out.println(statusCode + ": " +
      (statusMsg != null ? statusMsg : ""));

  * retrieveValues
  * ----------------
  * Parse the XML Document to retrieve the statusCode and statusMsg.
 private void retrieveValues(Document doc)
  Node n;
  NodeList nl;

  // Find the SC_REPLY element.
  nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("SC_REPLY");
  if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
   System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
       + "SC_REPLY node.");

  n = nl.item(0);

  // Retrieve the value of the STATUS_CODE attribute
  statusCode = ((Element)n).getAttribute("STATUS_CODE");

  // Find the SC_STATUS_MSG element
  nl = ((Element)n).getElementsByTagName("SC_STATUS_MSG");
  if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
   System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
       + "SC_STATUS_MSG node.");
  // Get the TEXT section, if there is one.
  n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
  if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
   // Not an error if there isn't one, so we
   // just silently return.

  // Retrieve the value
  statusMsg = n.getNodeValue();

 // private member vars
 private String statusCode;
 private String statusMsg;