Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

Deploying OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 on JBoss 5.0

JBoss 5.x uses Tomcat 6.0.16 which does not support the special symbols in the OpenSSO iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie. This affects OpenSSO cookie-handling.

Workaround. See To Deploy OpenSSO on JBoss 5.0.

ProcedureTo Deploy OpenSSO on JBoss 5.0

Before You Begin
  1. In the JBoss run.conf file (run.conf.bat on Windows), which is used to start up the JBoss instance, add the following JVM options:

    If you do not set these properties, after entering your credentials in the OpenSSO console, you are directed back to the login page. After you've deployed and configured OpenSSO you can remove this entry in the run.conf file (or run.conf.bat on Windows). OpenSSO configures the cookie encode property during deployment.

  2. Unjar the opensso.war.

    1. Create text-file opensso.war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml.

    2. Enter the following content in the file:

      <!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD Web Application 5.0//EN" 
      <class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance='true'> 
  3. Create the WAR again.

  4. Stop the JBoss server.

  5. Create a directory under the mode that opensso will be deployed to.

    Example: JBOSS_INSTALL_DIR>/server/$CONFIG/deploy/opensso.war

    where $CONFIG is the mode such as default, all, or production.

  6. Go to the opensso.war directory.

    Example: JBOSS_INSTALL_DIR/server/$CONFIG/deploy/opensso.war

  7. Explode the war to this directory.

    jar -xvf WAR_FILE_LOCATION/opensso.war 
  8. Restart the JBoss container.

    Deployment of opensso.war will succeed without errors.

    Note –

    OpenSSO 8.0 U2 installation on JBoss 5.0.0 is supported in exploded war mode only.