Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference

psadmin get-monitoring-mbeans-information


Returns attributes, operations, and notifications information about Portal Server MBeans.


Long Format

psadmin get-monitoring-mbeans-information --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename [--portal portal-ID] | [--proxy-type sra-proxy-type ] --instance instance-ID [--type type-name-property [--name-properties mbean-name-properties ] | [--object-name mbean-object-name ] [--interactive] [ --output output-filename] [ --verbose] [mbean-name-regexp]

Short Format

psadmin get-monitoring-mbeans-information -u uid -f password-filename [-p portal-ID ] | -x sra-proxy-type] [-i instance-ID] [[-t type-name-property [ --name-properties mbean-name-properties] | [--object-name mbean-object-name]] -o output-filename [ -v] [mbean-name-regexp]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--instance | -i] instance-ID

Specifies the Portal Server instance or Portal Server Secure Remote Access instance for this command. Portal Server Secure Remote Access instance is also known by Portal Server Secure Remote Access profile name.

The following options are not required:

[--portal | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID.

[--proxy-type | -x ] sra-proxy-type

Identifies Portal Server Secure Remote Access Proxy type: Gateway, Rewriter Proxy, or Netlet Proxy. sra-proxy-type can be gateway, rwp, or nlp respectively.

[--type | -t] type-name-property

Specifies the unique identity of the MBean ObjectName.

--name-properties "key1=value1,key2=value2,..."

If ObjectName property 'type' is not unique, MBean ObjectName may have additional name-properties to uniquely identify it. You can locate such MBean specifying additional name-properties using this option, along with the the type option.

--object-name mbean-object-name

Specifies a valid JMX ObjectName pattern to select monitoring MBeans.


Pompts for user confirmation to confirm getting information for the selected MBean.

[--output | -o ] output-filename

Names the output file.

[--verbose | -v]

Shows progression of command.

The following operand is available:


Specifies a java.util.regex regular expression as an operand to locate a MBean, if type and name-properties options are not enough.


Example 5–1 get-monitoring-mbeans-information -u amadmin -f ./password -p portal1 -i nicp104_80 -t MonitoringConfiguration gives

This command outputs:


Portal Server (PS) Monitoring

Name: UseJavaPlatformMBeanServer
Description: JDK 5.0: Use Java Platform MBeanServer. If enabled, 
Java Management Instrumentation is accessible via PS CLI.
Type: java.lang.Boolean
Readable: true
Writable: true

Name: Disable
Description: Disable PS Monitoring. If PS Monitoring is disabled, 
you will not be able to get PS statistics.
Type: java.lang.Boolean
Readable: true
Writable: true

Name: HtmlAdaptorPort
Description: JMX HTML Adaptor Port. If 0, JMX HTML Adaptor is disabled. 
JMX HTML Adaptor is useful for debugging, only if PS CLI is not of 
good help.
Type: java.lang.Integer
Readable: true
Writable: true

Name: ConnectorServerPort
Description: JMX Connector Server Port. PS CLI uses this port to 
connect to JMX MBeanServer and to fetch PS statistics information.
Type: java.lang.Integer
Readable: true
Writable: true

Name: reset
Description: Reset operation removes previously collected PS 
statistics. PS statistics will be collected if PS Monitoring has been
Type: void
        No parameters found

Name: destroy
Description: Destroy operation destroys PS statistics. Please make
 sure you've disabled PS Monitoring before calling this operation.
Type: void
        No parameters found

Name: getRegistry
Description: Returns a Map of [ObjectName, Object] for quick use inside 
Portal Monitoring Subsystem. Please note that not all Portal Monitoring 
MBeans participate in such registry.
Type: java.util.Map
        No parameters found

Description: This MBean is a JMX (
NotificationBroadcaster, and emits
AttributeChangeNotifcation for its attributes.
Notification types: jmx.attribute.change