Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Technical Overview

Design and Performance

The behavior of a Message Queue application depends on many factors: client design, connection configuration, broker configuration, broker tuning, and resource management. Some of these are the responsibility of the application developer; others are the concern of the Message Queue administrator.

In the best of possible worlds the developer should be aware of how the Message Queue service can support and scale the application design, and the administrator should be aware of the application's design goals when it comes time to tune the application. Messaging behavior can be optimized through redesign as well as through careful monitoring and tuning. Thus, a key aspect of creating a good Message Queue application is for the developer and the administrator to understand what can be realized at each stage of the application life cycle and to share information about desired and observed behavior.

Chapter 3, The Message Queue Broker explains how you can use the Message Queue service to support, manage, and tune messaging performance.