Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Technical Overview

Cluster Configuration

Depending on the clustering model used, you must specify appropriate broker properties to enable the Message Queue service to manage the cluster. This information is specified by a set of cluster configuration properties,. Some of these properties must have the same value for all brokers in a cluster; others must be specified for each broker individually. It is recommended that you place all configuration properties that must be the same for all brokers in one central cluster configuration file that is referenced by each broker at startup time. This ensures that all brokers share the same common cluster configuration information.

See Configuring Broker Clusters in Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Administration Guidefor detailed information on cluster configuration properties.

Note –

Although the cluster configuration file was originally intended for configuring clusters, it is also a convenient place to store other (non-cluster-related) properties that are shared by all brokers in a cluster.

For complete information about administering broker clusters, see Chapter 10, Configuring and Managing Broker Clusters, in Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Administration Guide. For information about the effect of reconnection on the client, see Connection Event Notification in Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Developer’s Guide for Java Clients and Client Connection Failover (Auto-Reconnect) in Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Developer’s Guide for Java Clients.