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Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1.1 Deployment Guide


What You Are Expected to Know
The Sun ONE Meta-Directory Documentation Set
Organization of This Guide
Documentation Conventions
Typographic Conventions
Related Third-Party Web Site References
Where to Find Additional Information
Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Chapter 1   Meta-Directory Concepts
The Importance of Meta-Directory
The Sun ONE Meta-Directory Solution
Synchronizing and Joining Entries
A Meta-Directory Deployment
Sun ONE Meta-Directory Components
Sun ONE Meta-Directory Console
The Join Engine and the Meta View
Connectors and Connector Views
How Meta-Directory Works
How Connectors Work
How the Join Engine Works
Manually Joining Entries

Chapter 2   Planning the Meta-Directory System
Designing Your Meta-Directory System
Beginning the System Design
Performing a Site Survey
Determining the Data Design for Your Views
Planning the LDAP Schema Used in Your Views
Planning System Security
Allocating the Necessary Resources
Deploying Your System and Creating a Maintenance Plan
Deploying Your Meta-Directory System
Data Entry Size and RAM Considerations
System Topology
Multi-Master Replication
Cascading Meta Views
Bringing the System On Line
Maintaining Your Meta-Directory System
Performing Data Backups
Monitoring the System
Planning for System Expansion

Chapter 3   Directory Server Configuration Settings for Meta-Directory
Installing and Configuring Directory Server
Directory Server Configuration Steps
Modifying Directory Server Settings
Configuring UTF8 Support
Enabling the Retro Change Log
Change Log Location
Loading Meta-Directory Schema
Manually Loading the Meta-Directory Schema
Adjusting Write Permissions (Solaris Only)
Adjusting Directory Server Plug-Ins
Setting uid-uniqueness Plug-In
Setting the Referential Integrity Postoperation Plug-In
Enabling Retro Change Log Trimming

Chapter 4   Meta-Directory Performance Tuning
Adding Meta-Directory Indexes
Determining Which Indexes to Create
Bulk Loading Data
Adjusting the Database Cache Size
Adjusting the All IDs Threshold
Tuning the Data Servers
DCNS Scheduler
Configuring the Time of Search
Tuning the I/O Block Time-Out Setting

Chapter 5   Tuning Directory Server
Directory Server Write Performance Tuning
Managing the Information Written to Disk
Summary of Write Tuning
Tuning Directory Server Read Performance
Directory Server Back-End Settings
Directory Server Front-End Settings


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Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.