Logical Domains 1.3 Administration Guide

Domain Migration

This example shows what is contained in the <data> section for a migrate-domain subcommand.

Example 12–22 Example migrate-domain <data> Section

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/>
  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/>
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="target">target-host</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="username">user-name</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="password">password</gprop:GenericProperty>


Note –

The Logical Domains Manager uses sasl_decode64() to decode the target user name and password and uses sasl_encode64() to encode these values. SASL 64 encoding is equivalent to base64 encoding.