Logical Domains 1.3 Administration Guide

ProcedureJump-Start a Guest Domain

  1. To jump-start a guest domain, use a normal JumpStart procedure with the following profile syntax changes from a regular Solaris OS JumpStart procedure to a JumpStart procedure specific to Logical Domains as shown in the following two examples.

    Normal JumpStart Profile

    filesys c1t1d0s0 free /
    filesys c1t1d0s1 2048 swap
    filesys c1t1d0s5 120 /spare1
    filesys c1t1d0s6 120 /spare2

    Virtual disk device names in a logical domain differ from physical disk device names in that they do not contain a target ID (tN) in the device name. Instead of the normal cNtNdNsN format, virtual disk device names are of the format cNdNsN, where cN is the virtual controller, dN is the virtual disk number, and sN is the slice. Modify your JumpStart profile to reflect this change as in the following profile example.

    Actual Profile Used for a Logical Domain

    filesys c0d0s0 free /
    filesys c0d0s1 2048 swap
    filesys c0d0s5 120 /spare1
    filesys c0d0s6 120 /spare2

    Note –

    You must use the MAC address of the virtual network (vnet) device as reported by the ldm(1M) command for your jumpstart configuration and not the one reported in the banner for the guest.