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iPlanet Calendar Server Administrator's Guide



.shtml extension   1
.wcap extension   1


8-bit headers
in ics.conf file   1


access control   1
command-line utilites   1
configuration parameters   1
creating with the command-line utilities   1, 2
managing   1
access control entry (ACE)
in ics.conf   1
configuration of in ics.conf file   1
configuration parameters   1
ordering in ACL   1
access control list (ACL)
definition of   1
ordering of   1
access control lists (ACLs)
definition of   1
access control subsystem   1
admin.log   1
administration (admin) port   1
administration service   1
administrators, Calendar Server   1
alarm counter statistics   1
alarm.countoverthreshold   1
alarm.countwarningsent   1
alarm.current   1
alarm.diskavail.msgalarmdescription   1
alarm.diskavail.msgalarmstatinterval   1
alarm.diskavail.msgalarmthreshold   1
alarm.diskavail.msgalarmthresholddirection   1
alarm.diskavail.msgalarmwarninginterval   1
alarm.diskstat.msgalarmdescription   1
alarm.diskstat.msgalarmstatinterval   1
alarm.diskstat.msgalarmthreshold   1
alarm.diskstat.msgalarmthresholddirection   1
alarm.diskstat.msgalarmwarninginterval   1
alarm.high   1
alarm.low   1
alarm.msgalarmnoticehost   1
alarm.msgalarmnoticeport   1
alarm.msgalarmnoticercpt   1
alarm.msgalarmnoticesender   1
alarm.msgalarmnoticetemplate   1
alarm.responsestat.msgalarmdescription   1
alarm.responsestat.msgalarmstatinterval   1
alarm.responsestat.msgalarmthreshold   1
alarm.responsestat.msgalarmthresholddirection   1
alarm.responsestat.msgalarmwarninginterval   1
alarm.timelastset.desc   1
alarm.timelastwarning   1
alarm.timereset   1
alarm.timestatechanged.desc   1
alarm.warningstate   1
alarms   1
configuration of   1
anonymous user   1
CSAPI, introduction   1
architecture, Calendar Server
access control subsystem   1
basics   1
calendar ownership   1
data formats   1
email alarms   1
event feeds   1
user preferences   1
authentication counter statistics   1
authstat   1
authstat.lastLoginTime   1
authstat.numFailedLogins   1
authstat.numSuccessfulLogins   1


backup procedures   1
calendars   1
databases   1
backup utility
calendars   1
user's default calendar   1
base DN
with csresource utility   1, 2
with csuser utility   1


caldb.berkeleydb.alarmretrytime   1
caldb.berkeleydb.checkpointinterval   1
caldb.berkeleydb.circularlogging   1
caldb.berkeleydb.deadlockinterval   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.createcal   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.createevent   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.createtodo   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.deletecal   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.deleteevent   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.deletetodo   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.modifycal   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.modifyevent   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.modifytodo   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.qsize   1
caldb.berkeleydb.ensmsg.schedreq   1
caldb.berkeleydb.homedir.path   1
caldb.berkeleydb.logfilesizemb   1
caldb.berkeleydb.maxthreads   1
caldb.berkeleydb.mempoolsizemb   1
caldb.calmaster   1
caldb.cld.type   1
caldb.counters   1
caldb.counters.maxinstances   1
caldb.dwp.connthreshold   1
caldb.dwp.initconns   1
caldb.dwp.initthreads   1
caldb.dwp.maxcons   1
caldb.dwp.maxthreads   1
caldb.dwp.md5   1
caldb.dwp.server.hostname.ip   1
caldb.dwp.stacksize   1
caldb.pssmtphost   1
caldb.pssmtpport   1
caldb.serveralarms   1
caldb.serveralarms.dispatchtype   1
caldb.serveralarms.maxretrytime   1
caldb.serveralarms.maxthreads   1
caldb.serveralarms.retryinterval   1
caldb.serveralarms.stacksize   1
caldb.serveralarms.startupretrytime   1
caldb.smtpmsgfmtdir   1
calendar ID (calid)
creation of   1
how they are creation of   1
calendar lookup database   1
Calendar Server API (CSAPI) configuration   1
Calendar Server API (CSAPI) definition   1
calendar store configuration   1
access control   1
backing up to file   1
backup   1
categories   1
creating   1
data format   1
deleting   1
disabling   1
displaying   1
enabling using cscal utility   1
event feeds   1
groups   1
log information   1
modifying properties   1
primary calendar owner   1
private calendar defined   1
public calendar defined   1
removing category values   1
removing event values   1
removing property values   1
removing todo (task) values   1
restoring   1, 2
setting access control   1, 2
user preferences   1
user's default   1
calid (calendar ID)   1, 2
calmail.eventreminder.fname   1
calmail.imipeventcancel.fname   1
calmail.imipeventpublish.fname   1
calmail.imipeventreply.fname   1
calmail.imipeventrequest.fname   1
calmail.imiptodocancel.fname   1
calmail.imiptodopublish.fname   1
calmail.imiptodoreply.fname   1
calmail.imiptodorequest.fname   1
calmail.todoreminder.fname   1
calstore.anonymous.calid   1
calstore.calendar.default.acl   1, 2
calstore.calendar.owner.acl   1, 2
calstore.default.timezoneID   1
calstore.filterprivateevents   1, 2
calstore.freebusy.include.defaultcalendar   1
calstore.freebusy.remove.defaultcalendar   1   1
calstore.recurrence.bound   1
calstore.subscribed.include.defaultcalendar   1
calstore.subscribed.remove.defaultcalendar   1
calstore.unqualifiedattendee.fmt1.type   1
calstore.unqualifiedattendee.fmt2.type   1
calstore.unqualifiedattendee.fmt3.type   1
calstore.userlookup.maxsize   1
calstore.virtualdomain.mode   1
categories   1
removing from a value from a calendar   1
character sequences
conditional printing   1
for events   1
for tasks   1
character sequences for dates   1
checking users   1
command-line utilities
csattribute   1
csbackup   1
cscal   1
cscomponents   1
csdb   1
csexport   1
csimport   1
csrestore   1
csstart   1
csstats   1
csstop utility   1
cstool   1
csuser   1
for access control   1
setting access control   1, 2
syntax for running   1
usage rules   1
conditional printing
of special character sequences   1
confidential events and tasks   1, 2
configuration examples, horizontal scalability   1
configuration parameters for access control   1
multiple front ends, multiple back ends   1
used in this document   1
counter statistics   1, 2
alarms   1
authentication   1
authstat   1
csstats   1
database   1
dbstat   1
disk usage   1
group scheduling   1
HTTP   1
httpstat   1
server response   1
WCAP   1
wcapstat   1
counter.conf file   1
creation, calendar   1
csadmind   1
csadmind service   1
defined   1
csapi.plugin.accesscontrol   1
csapi.plugin.authentication   1, 2   1, 2
csapi.plugin.calendarlookup   1   1
csapi.plugin.datatranslator   1, 2   1
csapi.plugin.dbtranslator   1   1
csapi.plugin.loadall   1
csapi.plugin.userprefs   1   1
csattribute utility   1, 2
csbackup utility   1
calendars   1, 2
databases   1
cscal utility   1, 2
creating calendars   1
deleting calendars   1
disabling calendars   1
displaying calendar properties   1
enabling calendars   1
modifying calendar properties   1
setting access control   1, 2
cscomponents utility   1
csdb utility   1
database management   1
csexport utility   1
csimport utility   1
csnotifyd service
log file name   1
csplugin utility   1
csresource utility   1, 2, 3
csrestore utility   1
calendars   1, 2
databases   1
csschedule utility   1, 2
csstart utility   1
csstats utility   1
counter statistics   1
listing counter statistics   1
csstop utility   1
cstool utility   1
pinging the Calendar Server   1
refreshing server configuration   1
csuser utility   1, 2
checking user logon status   1
disabling a user   1
displaying user information   1
enabling a user   1
resetting user attributes   1


daemons on UNIX systems   1
database configuration   1
database counter statistics   1
Database Wire Protocol (DWP)   1, 2
backing up   1
listing number of reads, writes and deletes   1
management   1
recovering   1
restoring   1
dbstat statistics counter   1
dbstat.lastDeleteTime   1
dbstat.lastReadTime   1
dbstat.lastWriteTime   1
dbstat.numDeletes   1
dbstat.numReads   1
dbstat.numWrites   1
default calendars
backing up   1
enabling   1
restoring   1
deleting calendars   1
disabling a user   1
disabling calendars   1
disk usage counter statistics   1
diskusage.availSpace   1
diskusage.calPartitionPath   1
diskusage.lastStatTime   1
diskusage.percentAvail   1
diskusage.totalSpace   1
displaying calendar properties   1
document conventions   1
monospaced font   1
sidebar text   1
double booking   1
with the cscal utility   1
with the csresource utility   1
with the csuser utility   1
DWP (Database Wire Protocol)   1, 2
dwp.log   1


alarms   1
message format   1
parameters   1
default calendars   1
users   1
enabling user calendars   1
error logs   1
event feeds   1
Event Notification Server (ENS)
configuration   1
Event Notification Service (ENS)   1
feeds   1
removing from calendar   1
exporting calendar data   1


failed logins   1


in ics.conf file   1
glance tool   1
gpm tool   1
grant element in an ACE   1
group scheduling   1
group scheduling counter statistics   1
Group Scheduling Engine (GSE)
managing queue   1, 2
recurrence identifier (RID)   1
with csschedule utility   1, 2
gse.autorefreshreplystatus   1
gse.belowthresholdtimeout   1
gse.maxthreads   1
gse.retryexpiredinterval   1
gse.retryinterval   1
gse.stacksize   1
gsestat.lastJobProcessedTime   1
gsestat.lastWakeUpTime   1
gsestat.numActiveWorkerThreads   1
gsestat.numJobsProcessed   1


how element in an ACE   1
HTTP counter statistics   1
http.log   1
httpstat   1
httpstat.currentStartTime   1
httpstat.lastConnectionTime   1
httpstat.maxConnections   1
httpstat.numConnections   1
httpstat.numCurrentConnections   1
httpstat.numFailedConnections   1
httpstat.numFailedLogins   1
httpstat.numGoodLogins.desc   1


ics.conf file
calendar log information settings   1
calendar store configuration settings   1
CSAPI configuration settings   1
database configuration settings   1
local configuration settings   1
services configuration settings   1
store configuration settings   1
using   1
importing calendar data   1
ine.cancellation.enable   1
ine.invitation.enable   1
iostat UNIX tool   1


landiag tool   1
LDAP attributes
base DN   1, 2, 3
managing   1
with csattribute utility   1
listing all users   1
local configuration settings, ics.conf file   1
local.authldapbasedn   1
local.authldapbindcred   1
local.authldapbinddn   1
local.authldaphost   1
local.authldapmaxpool   1
local.authldappoolsize   1
local.authldapport   1
local.caldb.deadlock.autodetect   1
local.enduseradmincred   1
local.enduseradmindn   1
local.hostname   1
local.installeddir   1
local.instancedir   1   1
local.plugindir.path   1
local.rfc822header.allow8bit   1
local.servergid   1, 2, 3
local.serveruid   1, 2
local.sitelanguage   1
local.smtp.defaultdomain   1
local.supportedlanguages   1
local.ugldapbasedn   1, 2
local.ugldaphost   1
local.ugldapicsextendeduserprefs   1
local.ugldapmaxpool   1
local.ugldappoolsize   1
local.ugldapport   1
lockstat tool   1
log errors   1
log files
admin.log   1
dwp.log   1
error severity levels   1
http.log   1
log information settings   1
logfile.admin.logname   1
logfile.buffersize   1
logfile.dwp.lognam   1
logfile.expirytime   1
logfile.flushinterval   1
logfile.http.access.logname   1
logfile.http.logname   1
logfile.logdir   1
logfile.loglevel   1
logfile.maxlogfiles   1
logfile.maxlogfilesize   1
logfile.maxlogsize   1
logfile.minfreediskspace   1
logfile.notify.logname   1
logfile.rollovertime   1
csnotifyd log file name   1
logon status   1
lookup database, calendar   1
lslk UNIX tool   1
lsof UNIX tool   1


mail_eventcancel.fmt   1
mail_eventpublish.fmt   1
mail_eventreminder.fmt   1
mail_todoalarm.fmt   1
mail_todocancel.fmt   1
mail_todopublish.fmt   1
modifying calendar properties   1
monitoring server activity   1
monospaced font   1
mpstat tool   1


netstat UNIX tool   1
notification messages   1
configuration of   1
log file name for csnotifyd   1
notify.log   1
nslookup UNIX tool   1


other calendar owners   1


ping UNIX tool   1
pinging the Calendar Server   1
plugins, managing   1
primary calendar owners   1
primary owner   1
private events and tasks   1, 2
proctool tool   1
removing a value from a calendar   1
public calendar   1
public events and tasks   1, 2


recovering damaged database   1
recurrence identifier (RID)
with csschedule utility   1
refreshing server configuration   1
property values from a calendar   1
resource objects
managing   1
resource.allow.doublebook   1, 2
resource.default.acl   1, 2
in ics.conf   1
resources, managing Calendar Server   1
restore procedures   1
calendars   1, 2
calendars from a database   1
calendars from a file   1
databases   1
user's default calendar   1


sam tool   1
sar UNIX tool   1
managing   1
managing GSE queue   1, 2
server response counter statistics   1
serverresponse.lastStatTime   1
serverresponse.responseTime   1
service.admin.alarm   1
service.admin.calmaster.cred   1
service.admin.calmaster.overrides.accesscontrol   1
service.admin.calmaster.userid   1, 2
service.admin.calmaster.wcap.allowgetmodifyuserprefs   1
service.admin.checkpoint   1
service.admin.dbcachesize   1
service.admin.deadlock   1
service.admin.diskusage   1
service.admin.idletimeout   1
service.admin.ldap.enable   1
service.admin.maxsessions   1
service.admin.maxthreads   1
service.admin.port.enable   1
service.admin.resourcetimeout   1
service.admin.serverresponse   1
service.admin.sessiondir.path   1
service.admin.sessiontimeout   1
service.admin.sleeptime   1
service.admin.starttime   1
service.admin.stoptime   1   1
service.authcachesize   1
service.authcachettl   1
service.dnsresolveclient   1
service.dwp.enable   1
service.dwp.idletimeout   1
service.dwp.ldap.enable   1
service.dwp.maxthreads   1
service.dwp.numprocesses   1
service.dwp.port   1
service.ens.enable   1   1
service.ens.library   1
service.ens.port   1
service.http.admin.enable   1
service.http.admin.port   1
service.http.admins   1
service.http.allowadminproxy   1
service.http.allowanonymouslogin   1
service.http.attachdir.path   1
service.http.calendarhostname   1
service.http.cookies   1
service.http.dbcachesize   1
service.http.domainallowed   1
service.http.domainnotallowed   1
service.http.enable   1
service.http.idletimeout   1
service.http.ipsecurity   1
service.http.ldap.enable   1
service.http.logaccess   1
service.http.maxsessions   1
service.http.maxthreads   1
service.http.numprocesses   1
service.http.port   1
service.http.proxydomainallowed   1
service.http.renderhtml   1
service.http.resourcetimeout   1
service.http.sessiondir.path   1
service.http.sessiontimeout   1
service.http.sourceurl   1
service.http.uidir.path   1
service.ldapmemcache   1
service.ldapmemcachesize   1
service.ldapmemcachettl   1
service.listenaddr   1
service.notify.enable   1
service.notify.maxretrytime   1
service.notify.retryinterval   1
service.notify.startupretrytime   1
service.plaintextloginpause   1
service.wcap.allowchangepassword   1
service.wcap.allowcreatecalendars   1
service.wcap.allowdeletecalendars   1
service.wcap.allowpublicwritablecalendars   1   1
service.wcap.allowsetprefs.givenname   1
service.wcap.allowsetprefs.mail   1
service.wcap.allowsetprefs.nswccalid   1
service.wcap.allowsetprefs.preferredlanguage   1   1
service.wcap.anonymous.allowpubliccalendarwrite   1
service.wcap.login.calendar.publicread   1
service.wcap.validateowners   1
administration   1
configuration examples   1
csadmind   1, 2
csdwpd   1
services configuration   1
session status counters   1
sessstat.maxSessions.desc   1
sessstat.numCurrentSessions   1
severity levels
of error logs   1
shtml extension   1
sidebar text   1
single sign-on (SSO)
ics.conf file   1
service.http.cookies   1
snoop tool   1
special character sequences
for events   1
for tasks   1
special character sequences for dates   1
sso.appid   1
sso.appid.url   1
sso.appprefix   1
sso.cookiedomain   1
sso.enable   1
sso.singlesignoff   1
sso.userdomain   1
start-cal ommand   1
stop-cal command   1
store configuration   1
store.partition.primary.path   1
superusers   1
SymbEL/Virtual Adrian toolkit   1
sysdef tool   1


tcpdump UNIX tool   1
time and date only (confidential) events and tasks   1, 2
time zones   1
adding   1
modifying   1
TZID format   1
timezones.ics file   1
todos (tasks)
removing from calendar   1
top UNIX tool   1
trace UNIX tool   1
traceroute UNIX tool   1
truss tool   1
tusc tool   1
TZID   1, 2


ui.allow.anyone   1
ui.allow.domain   1
ui.base.url   1
ui.config.file   1
ui.proxyaddress.url   1
in ics.conf file   1
unique identifier (UID)
with csschedule utility   1
Universal Principal Name (UPN)   1
UNIX group ID (GID)
in ics.conf file   1
UNIX user ID (UID)
in ics.conf file   1
UPN (Universal Principal Name)   1
user interface (UI)
configuration parameters   1
user interface (UI) generator
WCAP   1
user preferences
defined   1
user.allow.doublebook   1, 2
checking logon status   1
default calendars   1
disabling   1
displaying information about   1
listing all logged in   1
logon status   1
resetting attributes   1


vmstat UNIX tool   1


counter statistics   1
user interface (UI) generator   1
wcap extension   1
wcapstat   1
wcapstat.numRequests   1
what element in an ACE   1
who element in an ACE   1


X-NSCP-TZCROSS property   1

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Copyright © 2002
Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated January 22, 2002