Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Release Notes


This section describes known installation issues and associated solutions.

Bug ID 



Installation shutdown hanging on some Linux systems after clicking the "Finish" button. 

This problem has been observed on several Linux systems. It is most common on Java Desktop System 2 but has also been observed on Linux Red Hat distributions. 

After clicking the "Finish" button on the last installer screen, the installer fails to launch a browser window containing the product About page or product registration page, and hangs indefinitely, not returning the command prompt. 


Exit the installer by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal window in which the installer was started. After doing this, browser window containing product About page or registration page will sometimes be launched, but if it does not show up, start the browser and enter following URL in order to review About page:


If you also selected the installation option to register the product, follow the link to registration page available on product About page. 


On Windows, the imq directory needs to be created during installation.

On Windows, immediately after installing Application Server Enterprise Edition, the Message Queue broker fails on startup with a message saying the directory drive:\as\domains\domain1\imq does not exist.

Note that if the broker is started after starting domain1, the directory will be created by the Application Server and the problem will not occur.


  1. Create the var_home_dir_location before creating the broker:

    $imqbrokerd -varhome var_home_dir_location

    For example:

    $imqbrokerd -varhome D:\as\domains\domain1\imq


The Application Server installer shows the wrong product release date in the product name, “Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q4.” 


The correct product name/date should read “Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2.” 


In Application Server 8.1 Update 2 Patch-8(JES4), the patchadd and patchrm commands fail to add patch correctly in Solaris SPARC 10 (3/05 s10_74L2a).


Install Solaris SPARC 10 (1/06 s10s_u1wos_19) Update 1.


This version of Application Server does not support Network File System (NFS). 


When installing Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 Update 2 on Windows using the Windows MSI installer, you cannot select an alternative installation directory or alternative admin, HTTP, or HTTPS ports. For installation directory, you can only choose the drive and three-letter directory name. 


You cannot change the installation directory, but you can choose alternative admin, HTTP, and/or HTTPS ports. To do this: 

  1. Install the Application Server with the Typical->Automatic Config option.

    This creates the default domain.

  2. Stop all Application Server processes, and then delete the default domain.

  3. Recreate the domain using asadmin create-domain and ASConfigure.bat to enable the desired parameters.


After an incremental installation of Application Server, uninstallation fails. 


Kill all Application Server processes and reboot the system, then run the uninstallation script again.