Programming Utilities Guide

Basic sccs Subcommands

The following sccs subcommands perform the basic version-control functions. They are summarized here, and, except for create, are described in detail under "sccs Subcommands ".


Initialize the history file and first version, as described above.


Check out a writable version (for editing). SCCS retrieves a writable copy with you as the owner, and places a lock on the history file so that no one else can check in changes.


Check in your changes. This is the complement to the sccs edit operation. Before recording your changes, SCCS prompts for a comment, which it then stores in the history file version log.


Retrieve a read-only copy of the file from the s.file. By default, this is the most recent version. While the retrieved version can be used as a source file for compilation, formatting, or display, it is not intended to be edited or changed in any way. (Attempting to bend the rules by changing permissions of a read-only version can result in your changes being lost.)

If you give a directory as a filename argument, sccs attempts to perform the subcommand on each s.file in that directory. Thus, the command:

sccs get SCCS

retrieves a read-only version for every s.file in the SCCS subdirectory.


Display the version log, including comments associated with each version.