STREAMS Programming Guide

Sample Multithreaded Device Driver

Example 12-1 is a sample multithreaded, loadable, STREAMS pseudo-driver. The driver MT design is the simplest possible based on using a per module inner perimeter. Thus, only one thread can execute in the driver at any time. In addition, a quntimeout(9F) synchronous callback routine is used. The driver cancels an outstanding qtimeout(9F) by calling quntimeout(9F) in the close routine. See "Close Race Conditions".

Example 12-1 Sample Multithreaded, Loadable, STREAMS Pseudo-Driver

 * Example SunOS 5 multithreaded STREAMS pseudo device driver.
 * Using a D_MTPERMOD inner perimeter.

#include				<sys/types.h>
#include				<sys/errno.h>
#include				<sys/stropts.h>
#include				<sys/stream.h>
#include				<sys/strlog.h>
#include				<sys/cmn_err.h>
#include				<sys/modctl.h>
#include				<sys/kmem.h>
#include				<sys/conf.h>
#include				<sys/ksynch.h>
#include				<sys/stat.h>
#include				<sys/ddi.h>
#include				<sys/sunddi.h>

 * Function prototypes.
static			int xxidentify(dev_info_t *);
static			int xxattach(dev_info_t *, ddi_attach_cmd_t);
static			int xxdetach(dev_info_t *, ddi_detach_cmd_t);
static			int xxgetinfo(dev_info_t *,ddi_info_cmd_t,void *,void**);
static			int xxopen(queue_t *, dev_t *, int, int, cred_t *);
static			int xxclose(queue_t *, int, cred_t *);
static			int xxwput(queue_t *, mblk_t *);
static			int xxwsrv(queue_t *);
static 			void xxtick(caddr_t);

 * Streams Declarations
static struct module_info xxm_info = {
   99,            /* mi_idnum */
   "xx",        /* mi_idname */
   0,             /* mi_minpsz */
   INFPSZ,        /* mi_maxpsz */
   0,             /* mi_hiwat */
   0              /* mi_lowat */

static struct qinit xxrinit = {
		NULL,           /* qi_putp */
		NULL,           /* qi_srvp */
		xxopen,         /* qi_qopen */
		xxclose,        /* qi_qclose */
		NULL,           /* qi_qadmin */
		&xxm_info,      /* qi_minfo */
		NULL            /* qi_mstat */

static struct qinit xxwinit = {
		xxwput,         /* qi_putp */
		xxwsrv,         /* qi_srvp */
		NULL,           /* qi_qopen */
		NULL,           /* qi_qclose */
		NULL,           /* qi_qadmin */
		&xxm_info,      /* qi_minfo */
		NULL            /* qi_mstat */

static struct streamtab xxstrtab = {
		&xxrinit,       /* st_rdinit */
		&xxwinit,       /* st_wrinit */
		NULL,           /* st_muxrinit */
		NULL            /* st_muxwrinit */

 * define the xx_ops structure.

static 				struct cb_ops cb_xx_ops = {
		nodev,            /* cb_open */
		nodev,            /* cb_close */
		nodev,            /* cb_strategy */
		nodev,            /* cb_print */
		nodev,            /* cb_dump */
		nodev,            /* cb_read */
		nodev,            /* cb_write */
		nodev,            /* cb_ioctl */
		nodev,            /* cb_devmap */
		nodev,            /* cb_mmap */
		nodev,            /* cb_segmap */
		nochpoll,         /* cb_chpoll */
		ddi_prop_op,      /* cb_prop_op */
		&xxstrtab,        /* cb_stream */
		(D_NEW|D_MP|D_MTPERMOD) /* cb_flag */

static struct dev_ops xx_ops = {
		DEVO_REV,         /* devo_rev */
		0,                /* devo_refcnt */
		xxgetinfo,        /* devo_getinfo */
		xxidentify,       /* devo_identify */
		nodev,            /* devo_probe */
		xxattach,         /* devo_attach */
		xxdetach,         /* devo_detach */
		nodev,            /* devo_reset */
		&cb_xx_ops,       /* devo_cb_ops */
		(struct bus_ops *)NULL /* devo_bus_ops */

 * Module linkage information for the kernel.
static struct modldrv modldrv = {
		&mod_driverops,   /* Type of module. This one is a driver */
		"xx",           /* Driver name */
		&xx_ops,          /* driver ops */

static struct modlinkage modlinkage = {

 * Driver private data structure. One is allocated per Stream.
struct xxstr {
		struct		xxstr *xx_next;	/* pointer to next in list */
		queue_t		*xx_rq;				/* read side queue pointer */
		minor_t		xx_minor;			/* minor device # (for clone) */
		int			xx_timeoutid;		/* id returned from timeout() */

 * Linked list of opened Stream xxstr structures.
 * No need for locks protecting it since the whole module is
 * single threaded using the D_MTPERMOD perimeter.
static struct xxstr						*xxup = NULL;

 * Module Config entry points

		return (mod_install(&modlinkage));

		return (mod_remove(&modlinkage));

_info(struct modinfo *modinfop)
		return (mod_info(&modlinkage, modinfop));

 * Auto Configuration entry points

/* Identify device. */
static int
xxidentify(dev_info_t *dip)
		if (strcmp(ddi_get_name(dip), "xx") == 0)
			return (DDI_IDENTIFIED);

/* Attach device. */
static int
xxattach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd)
		/* This creates the device node. */
		if (ddi_create_minor_node(dip, "xx", S_IFCHR, ddi_get_instance(dip), 
			return (DDI_FAILURE);
		return (DDI_SUCCESS);

/* Detach device. */
static int
xxdetach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_detach_cmd_t cmd)
		ddi_remove_minor_node(dip, NULL);
		return (DDI_SUCCESS);

static int
xxgetinfo(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_info_cmd_t infocmd, void *arg,	void **resultp)
		dev_t dev = (dev_t) arg;
		int instance, ret = DDI_FAILURE;

		devstate_t *sp;
		state *statep;
		instance = getminor(dev);

		switch (infocmd) {
				if ((sp = ddi_get_soft_state(statep, 
						getminor((dev_t) arg))) != NULL) {
					*resultp = sp->devi;
					ret = DDI_SUCCESS;
				} else
					*result = NULL;

				*resultp = (void *)instance;
				ret = DDI_SUCCESS;

		return (ret);

xxopen(rq, devp, flag, sflag, credp)
		queue_t			*rq;
		dev_t				*devp;
		int				flag;
		int				sflag;
		cred_t			*credp;
		struct xxstr *xxp;
		struct xxstr **prevxxp;
		minor_t 			minordev;

		/* If this Stream already open - we're done. */
		if (rq->q_ptr)
			return (0);

		/* Determine minor device number. */
		prevxxp = & xxup;
		if (sflag == CLONEOPEN) {
			minordev = 0;
			while ((xxp = *prevxxp) != NULL) {
				if (minordev < xxp->xx_minor)
				prevxxp = &xxp->xx_next;
			*devp = makedevice(getmajor(*devp), minordev)
		} else
			minordev = getminor(*devp);

		/* Allocate our private per-Stream data structure. */
		if ((xxp = kmem_alloc(sizeof (struct xxstr), KM_SLEEP)) == NULL)
			return (ENOMEM);

		/* Point q_ptr at it. */
		rq->q_ptr = WR(rq)->q_ptr = (char *) xxp;

		/* Initialize it. */
		xxp->xx_minor = minordev;
		xxp->xx_timeoutid = 0;
		xxp->xx_rq = rq;

		/* Link new entry into the list of active entries. */
		xxp->xx_next = *prevxxp;
		*prevxxp = xxp;

		/* Enable xxput() and xxsrv() procedures on this queue. */

		return (0);

xxclose(rq, flag, credp)
		queue_t			*rq;
		int				flag;
		cred_t			*credp;

		struct		xxstr		*xxp;
		struct		xxstr		**prevxxp;

		/* Disable xxput() and xxsrv() procedures on this queue. */
		/* Cancel any pending timeout. */
		 xxp = (struct xxstr *) rq->q_ptr;
		 if (xxp->xx_timeoutid != 0) {
	 		 (void) quntimeout(rq, xxp->xx_timeoutid);
	 		 xxp->xx_timeoutid = 0;
		/* Unlink per-Stream entry from the active list and free it. */
		for (prevxxp = &xxup; (xxp = *prevxxp) != NULL; prevxxp = &xxp->xx_next)
			if (xxp == (struct xxstr *) rq->q_ptr)
		*prevxxp = xxp->xx_next;
		kmem_free (xxp, sizeof (struct xxstr));

		rq->q_ptr = WR(rq)->q_ptr = NULL;

		return (0);

xxwput(wq, mp)
		queue_t		*wq;
		mblk_t		*mp;
		struct xxstr	*xxp = (struct xxstr *)wq->q_ptr;

		/* do stuff here */
		mp = NULL;

		if (mp != NULL)
			putnext(wq, mp);

		queue_t		*wq;
		mblk_t		*mp;
		struct xxstr	*xxp;

		xxp = (struct xxstr *) wq->q_ptr;

		while (mp = getq(wq)) {
			/* do stuff here */

			/* for example, start a timeout */
			if (xxp->xx_timeoutid != 0) {
				/* cancel running timeout */
				(void) quntimeout(wq, xxp->xx_timeoutid);
			xxp->xx_timeoutid = qtimeout(wq, xxtick, (char *)xxp, 10);

static void
		caddr_t arg;
		struct xxstr *xxp = (struct xxstr *)arg;

		xxp->xx_timeoutid = 0;      /* timeout has run */
		/* do stuff */
