Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


To refer a reader to a chapter for more information, use the chapter's id to create a reference. For instance, to refer to a chapter titled "Window Management" whose id is windowmgr, you would write, "Refer to <xref windowmgr> for details."

In your online help volume, the result would be: "Refer to Window Management for details." The chapter title, "Window Management", is substituted for the id and is a hyperlink.

The following markup assigns an id named "analyzer" to a section element:

<s1 id=analyzer>Logic Analyzers

Here is markup that contains a cross-reference to this topic:

The DX16500A logic analysis system, described in
 <xref analyzer>, can be configured to a user's needs.

After processing, the <xref> element would be replaced by "Logic Analyzers" as shown here:


The text "Logic Analyzers" is a hyperlink that, when chosen by a user, jumps to the cross-referenced help topic.