Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide

To Add a Note, Caution, or Warning

    Include the <note>, <caution>, or <warning> element as follows:

 Body of note here.

 Body of caution here.

 Body of warning here.

To associate an icon with the note, caution, or warning element, define a file entity that identifies the graphics file containing the icon. Use one of the predefined entity names:

If you do not want icons with notes, cautions, or warnings, don't declare the corresponding entities. (Remember, all entity declarations must come before any other markup at the beginning of your help volume.) If you include such an entity reference, be sure the graphics file is in your HelpTag search path (helptag.opt).

Names of the default icons used by the Help System for note, caution, and warning elements are specified in the following entities.

These default icons are located in the /usr/dt/dthelp/dthelptag/icons directory.

If you create your own icon images for notes, cautions, and warnings, be sure to keep them small so they will fit into the area allotted. Also, the graphic images must be in your HelpTag search path, which is specified in your helptag.opt file.


The following markup for a note, warning, and caution produces the output shown in Figure 3-1.

Before installing your application, complete the options checklist 
to determine the amount of disk space required.

This product is highly acidic and can cause skin irritation. Wearing 
protective gloves is mandatory when applying this product.

     Do not place your fingers near the parrot cage!
Figure 3-1 Note, warning, and caution help icons


See Also