OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual

Command Line Editor Keystroke Commands

Table I-32 Command Line Editor Keystroke Commands




Moves backward one character. 

 Escape B

Moves backward one word. 


Moves forward one character. 

 Escape F

Moves forward one word. 


Moves backward to beginning of line. 


Moves forward to end of line. 


Erases previous character. 


Erases previous character. 


Erases previous character. 

 Escape H

Erases from beginning of word to just before the cursor, storing erased characters in a save buffer. 


Erases from beginning of word to just before the cursor, storing erased characters in a save buffer. 


Erases next character. 

 Escape D

Erases from cursor to end of the word, storing erased characters in a save buffer. 


Erases from cursor to end of line, storing erased characters in a save buffer. 


Erases entire line, storing erased characters in a save buffer. 


Retypes the line. 


Quotes next character (allows you to insert control characters). 


Inserts the contents of the save buffer before the cursor. 


Selects and displays the previous line for subsequent editing. 


Selects and displays the next line for subsequent editing. 


Displays the entire contents of the editing buffer.