Solaris 7 Sun Hardware Platform Guide

Configuring the Solaris Operating Environment

  1. After the operating system is loaded and the superuser prompt is displayed, list the devices entry for your boot disk:

    domain_name# ls -l /dev/dsk/root_partition_device

    where root_partition_device is in the form cxtxdxsx.

  2. Copy the part of the string that begins with either /sbus or /pci.



    Record your string here:


  3. Shut down the domain from the netcon(1M) window:

    domain_name# init 0

  4. In the netcon(1M) window, assign the string to an alias:

    ok nvalias bootdisk_name /sbus@48,0/SUNW,soc@0,0/SUNW,pln@a0000000,78ca3b/ssd@0,0:a

    Where /sbus@48,0/SUNW,soc@0,0/SUNW,pln@a0000000,78ca3b/ssd@0,0:a is the string from step 2. As in this example, the nvalias command should be entered on a single line.

  5. Set up the boot-device alias.

    1. If you are at the ok prompt, use the OBP setenv command to set the default boot-device alias to the correct device.

      ok setenv boot-device boot_device_alias

      Where boot_device_alias corresponds to the correct default boot-device alias.

    2. If diag-switch? is set to true, use the OBP setenv command to set the diag-device variable to the correct device.

      ok setenv diag-device boot_device_alias

      Note -

      If diag-switch? is set to true, OBP uses diag-device and diag-file as the default boot parameters. If diag-switch? is false, OBP uses boot-device and boot-file as the default boot parameters.

    3. If you are at the domain prompt, log in as superuser on the domain, then use the eeprom(1M) command to set the boot-device variable:

      domain_name# eeprom boot-device=boot_device_alias

  6. In an SSP window, verify that the SUNW_HOSTNAME variable is set to the proper domain name.

    If SUNW_HOSTNAME is not set to the proper domain name, use domain_switch(1M) to change the value.

  7. Bring up the domain:

    ssp% bringup -A on

    If this is the first domain to be brought up, you will be prompted to configure the centerplane. Type y to confirm.

    This bringup will configure the Centerplane. Please confirm (y/n)? y

  8. Change to the /Tools directory:

    ssp# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.7/Tools

  9. Remove the host domain as an install client:

    ssp# ./rm_install_client domain_name

  10. Remove the Solaris CD from the CD-ROM drive:

    ssp# cd /
    ssp# unshare /cdrom/cdrom0/s0
    ssp# eject cdrom

  11. After the system reboots, type the superuser password then re-enter the password when prompted in the netcon(1M) window:

    Root password: password
    Please re-enter your root password: password

    Your entry will become the new superuser password for the domain.

  12. Respond to the prompts for Solaris configuration information.

    You may be asked for the following items:

    • Name service (such as none, NIS, NIS+)

    • Net domain name (answer yes to subnet question)

    • Net domain mask

    • Server selection (usually automatic)

    • Timezone

    • Time

  13. Enter the host name and IP address of the SSP.

    The ssp_config(1M) command automatically tries to determine the default hostname of the SSP. If it is correct, press Return. Otherwise, type the correct SSP host name.

  14. Verify or type the IP address of the SSP:

    SSP Host Name: ssp_hostname
    SSP IP Address: nnn.nnn.nn.nn
    Is this correct (y or n): y

  15. Enable savecore by editing the /etc/init.d/sysetup file to uncomment the savecore setup.