Platform Notes: SunFDDI Adapter

Interpreting Local Statistics

Running the pf_stat utility without the -m option displays information about the various SMT state machines and the network to which the local station is attached:

Ring (Ring Status)

The Ring status shows the current state of the physical connection to the FDDI network. The following states may be returned by pf_stat under the Ring heading

ECM (Entity Coordination Management)

ECM shows the current state of the Entity Coordination Management state machine, which controls the following features and facilities:

Table 2-1 lists the states that may be returned by pf_stat under the ECM heading.

Table 2-1 pf_stat States Under the ECM Heading




ECM is inactive and is waiting for a connect request (initial state). 


ECM is active; normal state after successful connection request. 


ECM is propagating a trace request to the appropriate entity. 


ECM is closing all connections prior to the station leaving the ring. 


ECM is entering a path test state following trace completion. 


ECM is sending a request to the optical bypass switch to indicate that the station is entering the ring. This disengages the switch. 


ECM is verifying that symbols are being received from the network. 


ECM is sending a request to the optical bypass switch, to indicate that the station is leaving the ring. This engages the switch. 

RMT (Ring Management)

RMT shows the current state of the Ring Management state machine, which controls the following features and facilities:

Table 2-2 lists the states that may be returned by pf_stat under the RMT heading.

Table 2-2 pf_stat States Under the RMT Heading




RMT is inactive (initial state). 


RMT is waiting for an operational ring. 


RMT is operating normally. 


RMT is checking for duplicate addresses (transient state during initialization). 


RMT has detected that its address is duplicated and is initiating recovery. The ring is not operational in this state. 


RMT has detected that the MAC address is duplicated and flagged the error. The ring is operational in this state.


RMT has been beaconing for an extended period of time and is transmitting a stream of directed beacons prior to initiating recovery. 


RMT has initiated a trace to recover a stuck beacon. 

PCM (Physical Connection Management)

PCM shows the current state of the Physical Connection Management state machine that controls the following features and facilities:

This heading is modified to indicate the type of port that is being managed:

TABLE 2-3 lists the states that may be returned by pf_stat under the PCM heading.

Table 2-3 pf_stat States Under the PCM Heading




PCM is inactive (initial state). 


PCM is starting the connection synchronization phase. 


PCM is synchronizing the connection end-points prior to the signaling sequence. 


PCM is transmitting PDUs prior to entering SIGNAL state.


PCM is transmitting and receiving signal bits (information) following a NEXT state.


First state in the sequence leading to a synchronized connection. 


Second state in the sequence leading to a synchronized connection. 


Final state indicating that the port is successfully incorporated in the token path. 


PCM is localizing a stuck beacon condition.

The normal sequence of PCM states leading to a fully synchronized connection and incorporation of the port into the token path is shown in Figure 2-1. Note that the minimum interval between interrogations is one second and that this is not always fast enough to recover and display the complete sequence of PCM states.

Figure 2-1 Normal Sequence of PCM States


Ring_OP (Ring Operational)

Ring_OP shows the number of Ring_OP (Ring Operational) signals received. This signal is generated when the station is incorporated into an operational network.

XmitP (Transmit Packets)

Running pf_stat without an interval and count, displays the total number of packets transmitted since the interface was activated. Running pf_stat with an interval and count, displays the number of packets transmitted since the last interrogation.

RecvP (Receive Packets)

Running pf_stat without an interval and count displays the total number of packets received since the interface was activated. Running pf_stat with an interval and count displays the number of packets received since the last interrogation.