Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) 11/99 Release Notes

Symbolic Links to SUNWjvrt Are Missing After Upgrading from Solaris 7 (4259033)

After upgrading from the Solaris 7 operating environment using disk space reallocation, the Java commands may not be found due to missing symbolic links.

Workaround: To restore the symbolic links, complete these steps:

  1. Remove the SUNWjvdev and SUNWjvrt packages.

    # pkgrm SUNWjvdev SUNWjvrt
  2. Re-install the SUNWjvrt and SUNWjvdev packages.

    # pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_7_1199_x86/s2/Solaris_2.7/Product
    SUNWjvrt SUNWjvdev

    Note -

    If your Solaris 7 11/99 software is mounted somewhere other than the CD-ROM drive, change the argument to the -d option to be the absolute path to the Solaris_2.7/Product directory.