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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Architectural Reference

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Document Information

The Directory Server Access Control Model

Understanding the Directory Server Schema

Understanding Matching Rules

Matching Rule Description Format

Commonly Used Matching Rules

Value Normalization

Understanding Attribute Syntaxes

The Attribute Syntax Description Format

Commonly Used Attribute Syntaxes

Understanding Attribute Types

Attribute Type Description Format

Attribute Type Inheritance

Attribute Type Implementation

Understanding Object Classes

Object Class Description Format

Object Class Kinds

Object Class Inheritance

Directory Server Object Class Implementation

Understanding Name Forms

Name Form Description Format

Name Form Implementation

Understanding DIT Content Rules

DIT Content Rule Description Format

DIT Content Rule Implementation

Understanding DIT Structure Rules

DIT Structure Rule Description Format

DIT Structure Rules and Multiple Schemas

DIT Structure Rule Implementation

Understanding Matching Rule Uses

Matching Rule Use Implementation

Index Databases

Understanding Directory Server Plug-Ins

Directory Server Replication

Root Users and the Privilege Subsystem

Supported Controls and Operations

Understanding Matching Rules

Matching rules are used by the directory server to compare two values for the same attribute, that is, to perform matching operations on them. There are several different types of matching rules, including:

Equality matching rules

These matching rules are used to determine whether two values are logically equal to each other. Different implementations of equality matching rules can use different criteria for making this determination (for example, whether to ignore differences in capitalization or deciding which spaces are significant).

Ordering matching rules

These matching rules are used to determine the relative order for two values, for example, when evaluating greater-or-equal or less-or-equal searches, or when the results need to be sorted.

Substring matching rules

These matching rules are used to determine whether a given substring assertion should match a particular value. A substring assertion is composed of at least one element from the following sets: at most one subInitial element, zero or more subAny elements, and at most one subFinal element.

Approximate matching rules

These matching rules are used to determine whether two values are approximately equal to each other. This is frequently based on “sounds like” or some other kind of fuzzy algorithm. Approximate matching rules are not part of the official LDAP specification, but they are included in the directory server for added flexibility.