Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 Evaluation Guide

Tunable Index Limits

Directory Server supports configuring the all IDs threshold individually for each index, saving disk space. You can change the global default all IDs threshold value and index-specific values by using the CLI or the DSCC.

See the all-ids-threshold(5dsconf) man page for details on this property.

For example, the server level all IDs threshold setting is inherited for any indexes on suffixes that do not have a defined value.

The following command shows the default value of the global all IDs threshold:

# dsconf get-server-prop -w /tmp/.pwd-file -p 20390 all-ids-threshold 
all-ids-threshold : 4000

You can change the global default all IDs threshold value by using the following command:

# dsconf set-server-prop -w /tmp/.pwd-file -p 20390 -i all-ids-threshold:2000

To view the current value of the global all IDs threshold, run the following command:

# dsconf get-server-prop -w /tmp/.pwd-file -p 20390 all-ids-threshold
all-ids-threshold  :  2000