Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Updating and Redeploying services.war

If Access Manager is installed on BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, or Sun ONE Application Server, you must update and redeploy services.war before you can see any changes in the user interface. Once you’ve made changes to the authentication GUI files, regardless of the brand of web container you’re using, it is a good practice to update and redeploy the services.war file. When you update and redeploy services.war, you overwrite the default GUI files with your changes, and the changed files are placed in their proper locations. The section Staging Area for Files to be Customized provides background information on this file.

ProcedureTo Update services.war

  1. cd AccessManager-base/SUNWam

    This is the directory in which the WARs are kept.

  2. jar -uvf WARfilename.war < path_to_modified_file>

    The -uvf option replaces the old file with the newly modified file. For example:

    jar -uvf services.war newfile/index.html

    replaces the index.html file in console.war with the index.html file located in AccessManager-base/SUNWam/newfile.

  3. rm newfile/index.html

    Deletes the modified file.

To Redeploy services.war

The services.war will be in the following directory:


Depending upon the brand of web container you are using, execute one of the following commands.

On BEA WebLogic

java weblogic.deploy -url ServerURL  -component
		{ServerDeployURI}: {  WL61 Server}
		deploy WL61AdminPassword  {ServerDeployURI  }


In this example,

ServerURL uses the form protocol://  host:port
ServerDeployURI represents the server Universal Resource Identifier
Example: amserver
WL61 Server represents the Weblogic Server nam.e

On Sun ONE Application Server

asadmin deploy -u IAS7Admin -w IAS7AdminPassword -H
 				HostName -p IAS7AdminPort 
						--type web SECURE_FLAG --contextroot
ServerDeployURI --name amserver --instance IAS7Instance

On IBM WebSphere

See the deployment documentation that comes with the IBM WebSphere product: en/html/sdsscenario1.html