Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Implementing a Custom Authentication Module

Access Manager contains a sample exercise for integrating a custom authentication module with files that have already been created. This sample illustrates the steps for integrating an authentication module into the Access Manager deployment. All the files needed to compile, deploy and run the sample authentication module can be found in the following directory:


The following sections will use files from this sample as example code:

About the Login Module Sample

<PRODUCT_DIR> setting on different Platforms:

Solaris Sparc/x86: <PRODUCT_DIR> = base-directory/SUNWam

Linux: <PRODUCT_DIR> = base-directory/sun/identity

Windows 2000: <PRODUCT_DIR> = base-directory

Writing a Sample Login Module

Use the AMLoginModule SPI to write your own sample login module.

ProcedureTo Write a Sample Login Module

  1. Creating a Module Properties File.

  2. Writing the Principal Class.

  3. Implementing the LoginModule Interface.

    The following are the default directories used in the sample exercise for the various platforms:

    Solaris Sparc/x86: <PRODUCT_DIR> = base-directory/SUNWam

    Linux: <PRODUCT_DIR> = base-directory/sun/identity

    W2K: <PRODUCT_DIR> = base-directory

Creating a Module Properties File

Create a Module properties XML file with the same name of the class (no package name) and use the extension .xml. You must create an XML file with this naming convention even if no states required

Based on this configuration file, the Authentication user interface will dynamically generate a login page.

You can define page states in the module properties file as shown in Creating a Module Properties File. Each callback element corresponds to one login page state. When an authentication process is invoked, Callback[] values will be generated from the user’s Login Module for each state. All login state definitions start with 1. The module controls the login process, and then determines what the next state is.

Auth_Module_Properties.dtd defines the data structure that will be used by each authentication module to specify its properties. Auth_Module_Properties.dtd provides definitions to initiate, construct and send required callbacks information to the Authentication graphical user interface. Auth_Module_Properties.dtd is stored in the <PRODUCT_DIR>/dtd directory.

Example 5–7 Module Configuration Sample

<ModuleProperties moduleName="LoginModuleSample" version="1.0" >
         <Callbacks length="2" order="1" timeout="60" 
							header="This is a sample login page">
             <Prompt> User Name </Prompt>
             <Prompt> Last Name </Prompt>
         <Callbacks length="1" order="2" timeout="60" 
							header="You made it to page 2" >
             <PasswordCallback echoPassword="false" >
             <Prompt> Just enter any password </Prompt>
Module Configuration Sample

In this module configuration sample, page state one has two callbacks. The first callback is for user ID, and second is for Last Name. When the user fills in the callbacks, the following events occur:

Writing the Principal Class

After creating module configuration XML file, the next step is to write a Sample Principal class which implements The constructor takes the user’s username as an argument. If authentication is successful, the module will return this principal to Authentication framework. The Authentication framework populates a Subject with a SamplePrincipal representing the user.

Implementing the LoginModule Interface

AMLoginModule is an abstract class which implements JAAS LoginModule. AMLoginModule provides methods for accessing Access Manager services and the module XML configuration. Login Module writers must subclass AMLoginModule class and implement the following methods:

For detailed descriptions, syntax, and parameters, see the Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Java API Reference. The following sections provide some supporting information about these methods.

init() This is an abstract method, Module writer should implement to initialize this LoginModule with the relevant information. If this LoginModule does not understand any of the data stored in sharedState or options parameters, the data can be ignored. This method is called by a AMLoginModule after thisSampleLoginModule has been instantiated, and prior to any calls to its other public methods. The method implementation should store away the provided arguments for future use. The init method may additionally peruse the provided sharedState to determine what additional authentication state it was provided by other LoginModules, and may also traverse through the provided options to determine what configuration options were specified to affect the LoginModule’s behavior. It may save option values in variables for future use.

process() The process method is called to authenticate a Subject. This method implementation should perform the actual authentication. For example, it may cause prompting for a user name and password, and then attempt to verify the password against a password database. If your LoginModule requires some form of user interaction (retrieving a user name and password, for example), it should not do so directly. That is because there are various ways of communicating with a user, and it is desirable for LoginModules to remain independent of the different types of user interaction. Rather, the LoginModule’s process method should invoke the handle method of the CallbackHandler passed to this method to perform the user interaction and set appropriate results, such as the user name and password and the AMLoginModule internally passes the GUI an array of appropriate Callbacks, for example a NameCallback for the user name and a PasswordCallback for the password, and the GUI performs the requested user interaction and sets appropriate values in the Callbacks.

Consider the following points while writing the process() method:

getPrincipal() This method should be called once at the end of a successful authentication session. A login session is deemed successful when all pages in the Module properties XML file have been sent and the module has not thrown an exception. The method retrieves the authenticated token string that the authenticated user will be known by in the Access Manager environment.

Note –

If the custom authentication module requires or already uses a service configuration XML file:

Compiling and Deploying the LoginModule program

If you are writing your own Custom Authentication module based on the AMLoginModule SPI or a pure JAAS module, then you can skip this step. Otherwise, after writing the sample Login Module, compile and deploy the sample found under AccessManager-base/samples/authentication/spi/providers.

ProcedureTo compile the Login Module

  1. Set the following environment variables.

    These variables will be used to run the gmake command. You can also set these variables in the Makefile. This Makefile is in the following directory: AccessManager-base /samples/authentication/spi/providers.

    JAVA_HOME: Set this variable to your installation of JDK. The JDK should be version 1.3.1_06 or higher.

    CLASSPATH: Set this variable to refer to am_services.jar which can be found in the Idetnity_base/lib directory. Include jaas.jar in your classpath if you are using JDK version less than JDK1.4

    BASE_DIR: Set this variable to the directory where the Access Manager is installed.

    BASE_CLASS_DIR: Set this variable to the directory where all the Sample compiled classes are located.

    JAR_DIR: Set this variable to the directory where the JAR files of the Sample compiled classes will be created.

  2. In the AccessManager-base/samples/authentication/spi/providers directory, run gmake.

ProcedureTo Deploy the Login Module Sample Program

  1. Copy LoginModuleSample.jar from JAR_DIR to AccessManager-base/web-src/services/WEB-INF/lib .

  2. Copy LoginModuleSample.xml from AccessManager-base /samples/authentication/spi/providers to AccessManager-base /web-src/services/config/auth/default .

  3. Redeploy the amserver.war file.

ProcedureTo Redeploy the amserver.war File

  1. In AccessManager-base/bin/amsamplesilent, set Deploy Level variable as follows:


  2. In AccessManager-base/bin/amsamplesilent, set container-related environment variables.

    • On Sun Java System Web Server 6.1, where /amserver is the default DEPLOY_URI:

      SERVER_PROTOCOL=[http | https]
      WS61_HOME= WebServer-base-directory
    • On Sun Java System Application Server 7.0, where /amserver is the default DEPLOY_URI:

      SERVER_PROTOCOL=[http | https]
      #If Application Server is SSL Enabled then set the following:
    • On other supported platforms:

      Set platform-specific variables as is appropriate for the container.

  3. Redeploy the services web application by running the following command:

    AccessManager-base/bin/amconfig -s
  4. Restart the container instance.

    • Web Server example:

    • Application Server example:


Loading the Login Module Sample into Access Manager

Once you’ve compiled and deployed the login module, you must load the login module into Access Manager. You can load the login module by using either the Access Manager administration console, or by using the amadmin command.

ProcedureTo Load the Login Module Using the Administration Console

  1. Login to Access Manager Console as amadmin, using the URL:


  2. Click Configuration.

  3. In the Configuration tab, under Authentication, click Core.

  4. Add class file name LoginModuleSample to the Pluggable Authentication Modules Classes list.

  5. Click Save.

ProcedureTo Load the Login Module Using the Command Line

  1. Write a sample XML file as shown in To Load the Login Module Using the Command Line, which will add the LoginModuleSample authentication module entry into the allowed modules and an authenticators list.

                    Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
    						 All rights reserved
                   Use is subject to license terms.
               <!DOCTYPE Requests
                    PUBLIC "-//iPlanet//iDSAME 5.0 Admin CLI DTD//EN"
                  <SchemaRequests serviceName="iPlanetAMAuthService"
                        <Attribute name="iplanet-am-auth-authenticators"/>
  2. Use amadmin to load sample.xml:

    <AMADMIN> --runasdn uid=amAdmin,ou=People,<root_suffix> --password <password> --data sample.xml

    Solaris Sparc/x86: AMADMIN = <PRODUCT_DIR>/bin/amadmin

    On W2K: AMADMIN = <PRODUCT_DIR>\\bin\\amadmin

Running the LoginModule Sample Program

This sections provides instructions for running the login module on Solaris and on Windows platforms.

ProcedureTo Run the LoginModule on Solaris

  1. Use the following URL to log in to Access Manager console as amAdmin:


  2. Click Identity Management, and in the Identity Management view select your organization.

  3. From the View menu, select Services.

  4. In the navigation frame, under Authentication, click Core.

  5. SelectLoginModuleSample to add it to the list of highlighted modules in Organization Authentication Modules.

    Make sure LDAP module is also selected. If not selected, you will not be able to login to Access Manager Console. You can use Control + mouse click to add additional modules.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Log out.

  8. Enter the following URL:


    If you choose to use an organization other than the default, be sure to specify that in the URL using the org parameter.

ProcedureTo Run the Login Module on Windows 2000

  1. Set the following environment variables. These variables will be used to run the make command. You can also set these variables in the Makefile.

    This Makefile is in the same directory as the Login Module Sample program files: AccessManager-base\samples\authentication\spi\providers

    JAVA_HOME: Set this variable to your installation of JDK. The JDK should be version 1.3.1_06 or higher.

    BASE: Set this variable to base-directory

    CLASSPATH: Set this variable to refer to am_services.jar which can be found in the base-directory\lib directory. Include jaas.jar in your classpath if you are using JDK version less than JDK1.4

    BASE_CLASS_DIR: Set this variable to the directory where all the Sample compiled classes are located.

    JAR_DIR: Set this variable to the directory where the JAR files of the Sample compiled classes will be created.

  2. In the base-directory\samples\authentication\spi\providers directory, run the make command.

ProcedureTo Deploy the Login Module

  1. Copy LoginModuleSample.jar from JAR_DIR to AccessManager-base\web-src\services\WEB-INF\lib

  2. In the Web Container from which this sample has to run, update the classpath with LoginModuleSample.jar.

  3. Update server.xml with the new classpath and server.xml locations:

    • Sun Java System Web Server : <WS-install-dir>\https-<WS-instance-name>\config\server.xml

    • Sun Java System Application Server: <AS-install-dir>\domain<appserver domain><appserver_instance>\config\server.xml


  4. Copy LoginModuleSample.xml from base-directory \samples\authentication\spi\providers to base-directory\web-src\services\config\auth\default.

  5. Restart the web container

    Web Server: <WS-home-dir>\https-<WS-instance-name>\restart

    Application Server: AppServer-home-dir>\domains\<domain name><server_instance>\bin\restartserv