Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

How Policy Enforcement Works

The Java 2 runtime enforces access controls via the java.lang.SecurityManager , which is consulted any time untrusted code attempts to perform a sensitive operation (accesses to the local file system, for example). To determine whether the code has sufficient permissions, the SecurityManager implementation delegates responsibility to the, which first obtains an image of the current AccessControlContext, and then ensures that the retrieved AccessControlContext contains sufficient permissions for the operation to be permitted.

JAAS supplements this architecture by providing the method Subject.doAs to dynamically associate an authenticated subject with the current AccessControlContext. As subsequent access control checks are made, the AccessController can base its decisions upon both the executing code itself, and upon the principals associated with the subject. Access Manager provides support for JAAS authentication, which results in the population of the subject with Principals that represents the user.

Example 7–3 The Subject.doAs Method

public final class Subject {
                // associate the subject with the current
                // AccessControlContext and execute the action
                public static Object doAs(Subject s,
                       action) { }


To illustrate a usage scenario for the doAs method, consider a service that authenticates a remote subject, and then performs some work on behalf of that subject. For security reasons, the server should run in an AccessControlContext bound by the subject’s permissions. Using JAAS, the server can ensure this by preparing the work to be performed as a . Then, by invoking the doAs method, the server provides both the authenticated subject and the prepared PrivilegedAction. The doAs implementation associates the subject with the current AccessControlContext and then executes the action. When security checks occur during execution, the Java 2 SecurityManager queries the JAAS policy, updates the current AccessControlContext with the permissions granted to the subject and the executing codesource, and then performs its regular permission checks. When the action is completed, the doAs method removes the subject from the current AccessControlContext, and returns the result back to the caller. How Policy Enforcement Works illustrates this flow.

Example 7–4 Sample Code for Subject.doAS

public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Create an SSOToken
            AuthContext ac = new AuthContext("dc=iplanet,dc=com");
            Callback[] callbacks = null;
            if (ac.hasMoreRequirements()) {
                callbacks = ac.getRequirements();

                if (callbacks != null) {
                    try {
						// this method sets appropriate responses in the callbacks.
                    } catch (Exception e) { }
            if (ac.getStatus() == AuthContext.Status.SUCCESS) {
                  Subject subject = ac.getSubject(); 
						// get the authenticated subject
                  FilePermission perm = new FilePermission("/tmp/test","read");

                      Subject.doAs(subject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                      /* above statement means execute  run() method of the
								 /* Class PrivilegedExceptionAction()
                          as the specified subject */
                      public Object run() throws IOException  {
                          // if the above run()  was not throwing Exception 
									/* could have created an instance of PrivilegedAction
                          // instead of  PrivilegedExceptionAction here
                            File = new File("/tmp/test");
                            return null;


In this example, the AccessController is checking the application’s current policy implementation. If any permission defined in the policy file implies the requested permission, the method will simply return; otherwise an AccessControlException will be thrown. The check is actually redundant in this example, because the constructor for the default File implementation performs the same check. The sample is meant to illustrate the flow.