Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

Liberty Identity Service Interface Specifications

The Liberty Identity Service Interface Specifications (Liberty ID-SIS) are for building identity-based web services. Included in the Liberty ID-SIS are the following:

Liberty ID-SIS Personal Profile Service Specification

The Liberty ID-SIS Personal Profile Service Specification defines an identity-based web service that keeps, updates, and offers identity data regarding a user. This service queries and updates of attribute data and incorporates mechanisms for access control and conveying data validation information and usage directives from other specifications. A shopping portal that offers information such as the principal’s account number and shopping preferences is an example of a personal profile service. For more information, see the Liberty ID-SIS Personal Profile Service Specification.

Liberty ID-SIS Employee Profile Service Specification

The Liberty ID-SIS Employee Profile Service Specification defines an identity-based web service that keeps, updates, and offers profile information regarding a user’s workplace. An online corporate phone book that provides an employee name, office building location, and telephone extension number is an example of an employee profile service. For more information, see the Liberty ID-SIS Employee Profile Service Specification.

Additional Liberty ID-SIS Service Specifications

The Liberty Alliance Project defines several other Liberty ID-SIS that are not discussed in this section, including a contact book, a geolocation service, and a presence service. For more information on these services, see the documentation in the Liberty ID-SIS.