Sun Java Enterprise System Deployment Planning Guide

About Deployment Design

Deployment design begins with the deployment scenario created during the logical design and technical requirements phases of the solution life cycle. The deployment scenario contains a logical architecture and the quality of service (QoS) requirements for the solution. You map the components identified in the logical architecture across physical servers and other network devices to create a deployment architecture. The QoS requirements provide guidance on hardware configurations for performance, availability, scalability, and other related QoS specifications.

Designing the deployment architecture is an iterative process. You typically revisit the QoS requirements and reexamine your preliminary designs. You take into account the interrelationship of the QoS requirements, balancing the trade-offs and cost of ownership issues to arrive at an optimal solution that ultimately satisfies the business goals of the project.

Project Approval

Project approval occurs during the deployment design phase, generally after you have created the deployment architecture. Using the deployment architecture and possibly also implementation specifications described below, the actual cost of the deployment is estimated and submitted to the stakeholders for approval. Once the project is approved, contracts for completion of the deployment are signed and resources to implement the project are acquired and allocated.

Deployment Design Outputs

During the deployment design phase, you might prepare any of the following specifications and plans:

Factors Affecting Deployment Design

Several factors influence the decisions you make during deployment design. Consider the following key factors: