Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Release Notes

Message Queue’s C-API usage of NSPR and NSS on Linux (no issue ID)

In the Linux release of Java Enterprise System, Message Queue delivers its own copies of the NSPR (Netscape Portable Runtime) and NSS (Network Security Services) libraries. The versions installed with Message Queue are older than the versions installed by Java Enterprise System.

If Message Queue was installed in the default location, the older libraries are found in /opt/imq/lib. If you build a Message Queue C application the Message Queue C runtime library ( links against the older NSPR and NSS libraries in /opt/imq/lib. While this is a supported and tested combination, it is recommended that you use the newer versions installed by Java Enterprise System in /opt/sun/private/lib.

To use the newer versions of the libraries, set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to:


before running your Message Queue C application.