Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Configuring Calendars

ProcedureTo Configure User Calendars

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.

  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.

  4. Edit one or more of the parameters as shown in the following table:


    Description and Default Value  


    Specifies the default access control permissions used when a user creates a calendar. The format is specified by a semicolon-separated list of access control entry (ACE) argument strings. The default is: 


    For more information on the ACE format, see Calendar Access Control Calendar Server utilities, see cscal.


    Specifies the default access control settings for owners of a calendar. The default is: "@@o^a^rsf^g;@@o^c^wdeic^g"


    Specifies whether a user's default calendar is included in user's free/busy calendar list. The default is “yes”.


    Specifies whether a user's default calendar can be removed from user's free/busy calendar list. The default is “no”.


    Specifies a URL to use to search for a calendar in a different database. This is only used while migrating calendar databases. During the time that calendars are split between two different databases, you can specify a URL other than the current Calendar Server database. The system searches the Calendar Server calendar database first and if it can’t find the user, checks to see if the redirect URL is available. This feature can be turned off by passing in the redirect parameter set to 1 with the get_freebusy command.



    Specifies whether a user's default calendar is included in the user's subscribed calendar list. The default is “yes”. 


    If "yes", default user calendars are initially set to public read/private write. If no, default user calendars are initially set to private read/private write. The default is “no”.


    Determines if a user calendar can have more than one event scheduled for the same time period: 

    • "no" prevents double booking.

    • "yes" allows double booking, and is the default.

      This parameter is used only when a user calendar is created. Thereafter, Calendar Server checks the calendar properties file (ics50calprops.db) to determine if double booking is allowed.

      To change the value of the double booking calendar property, use cscal with the -k option.

  5. Save the file as ics.conf.

  6. Restart Calendar Server.


ProcedureTo Configure Resource Calendars

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Edit one or more of the parameters as shown in the following table:


    Description and Default Value  


    Determines if a calendar that belongs to a resource (such as a conference room or audio visual equipment) can have more than one event scheduled for the same time slot when the calendar is created: 

    • "no" prevents double booking.

    • "yes" allows double booking.

    • This parameter is used only when a resource calendar is created.

      After a resource calendar is created, Calendar Server checks the calendar properties (ics50calprops.db) to determine if double booking is allowed.

      If you need to change the calendar properties for a resource calendar to allow or disallow double booking, use csresource with the -k option.


    Specifies the default access control permissions used when a resource calendar is created. The default is:  


  3. Save the file as ics.conf.

  4. Restart Calendar Server.


ProcedureTo Disable Autoprovisioning of User Calendars at Login

Autoprovisioning of user calendars is enabled by default.

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.

  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.

  4. Disable autoprovisioning of user calendars upon first login editing the following parameter:


    Description and Default Value  


    Specifies whether autoprovisioning of user calendars is enabled (“yes”), or disabled (“no”). The default is “yes”.

  5. Save the file as ics.conf.

  6. Restart Calendar Server.


ProcedureTo Configure Free-Busy Lookup

The free-busy view is used for several purposes. There are a number of ics.conf parameters that can be set to customize how the free-busy view is generated.

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.

  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.

  4. Disable autoprovisioning of user calendars upon first login editing the parameter shown in the following table:


    Description and Default Value  


    Specifies the offset from the current time in days for get_freebusy for beginning of the range. The default is "30".


    Specifies the offset from the current time in days for get_freebusy for end of the range. The default is "30".


    Specifies whether a user's default calendar is included in user's free/busy calendar list. The default is "yes".


    Specifies whether a user's default calendar can be removed from user's free/busy calendar list. The default is "no".

  5. Save the file as ics.conf.

  6. Restart Calendar Server.
