Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Guide

Admin Console Tasks for JMS Physical Destinations

ProcedureTo create a JMS physical destination

For production purposes, always create physical destinations. During the development and testing phase, however, this step is not required. The first time an application accesses a destination resource, Message Queue automatically creates the physical destination specified by the Name property of the destination resource. The physical destination is temporary and expires after a period specified by a Message Queue configuration property.

  1. In the tree component, expand the Configurations node, then expand the Java Message Service node.

  2. Select the instance to configure:

    • To configure a particular instance, select the instance’s config node. For example, for the default instance, server, select the server-config node.

    • To configure the default settings for future instances that use a copy of default-config, select the default-config node.

  3. Select the Physical Destinations node.

  4. On the Physical Destinations page, click New.

    The Create Physical Destination page appears.

  5. In the Physical Destination Name field, type the name of the destination (for example, PhysicalQueue).

  6. From the Type drop-down list, choose either topic or queue.

  7. In the Additional Properties area, click Add Property to add a property.

    The following table lists the one property currently available.

    Property Name  



    The maximum number of consumers that can be active in load-balanced delivery from a queue destination. A value of -1 means an unlimited number. The default is 1 if the destination is created for a standalone server instance and -1 if it is created for a cluster. 

    To modify the value of this property or to specify other physical destination properties, use the MQ-install-dir/imq/bin/imqcmd command. See the Message Queue Administration Guide for more information.

  8. Click OK.

Equivalent asadmin command


System Destination

The Physical Destinations page shows the system destination, a queue named mq.sys.dmq, to which expired and undeliverable messages are redirected. You can create destination resources, consumers, and browsers for this destination. You cannot delete it or send messages to it.

ProcedureTo delete a JMS physical destination

  1. In the tree component, expand the Configurations node, then expand the Java Message Service node.

  2. Select the instance to configure:

    • To configure a particular instance, select the instance’s config node. For example, for the default instance, server, select the server-config node.

    • To configure the default settings for future instances that use a copy of default-config, select the default-config node.

  3. Select the Physical Destinations node.

  4. On the Physical Destinations page, select the checkbox next to the name of the destination to be deleted.

  5. Click Delete.

    If you try to delete the system destination mq.sys.dmq, an error message appears.

Equivalent asadmin command
