Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

imexpire Scheduling Using the Console

Bring up the automatic message removal GUI as follows:

Main Console > Server Group > Messaging Server (Open) >Messaging Server Console > Configuration Tab > Message Store > Expire/Purge

This Console page lists the expire rules on the top and the expire and purge schedule on the bottom. To schedule expire and purge, use the pull down menus in the Expire/Purge Schedule to set the month, day of month, day of week (with 0=Sunday), hours of day and minute of hours for both expire and purge.

Note –

The day value may be set by both day of the month and day of the week. Both are adhered to if both are set. If you set the 3rd day of the week (Wednesday) and the 17th day of the month, then a purge/expire will only occur on the 17th day of each month that falls on a Wednesday).