Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Using Message Tracing for Message Store Logging

You can use Message Store logging to trace messages by message ID in a way similar to how the MTA traces messages. Tracing messages in this fashion enables you to track the critical events of a message’s life cycle.

To trace messages in the Message Store logs, you need to configure message tracing in addition to the normal logging configuration. By default, message tracing is not enabled.

Note –

Message tracing will fill up a large amount of disk space. Do not enable this feature unless you have adequate disk space.

Message Store logging can track the following operations:

ProcedureTo Enable Message Tracing


    Run the following configutil command:

    configutil -o -v “yes”

    Message trace information is written to the default log for each process. The IMAP fetches appear in the imap log file. The ims_master appends appear in the ims_master channel log file.

ProcedureTo Redirect Message Tracing to a Single Log File


    To redirect message trace logging to a single “msgtrace” log file, you must use the configutil command to configure the log file parameters. The msgtrace log file, unlike the other log files, is configured locally. For example:

    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.buffersize" -v "0"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.expirytime" -v "604800"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.flushinterval" -v "60"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.logdir" -v "/opt/SUNWmsgsr/data/log"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.loglevel" -v "Information"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.logtype" -v "NscpLog"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.maxlogfiles" -v "10"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.maxlogfilesize" -v "2097152"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.maxlogsize" -v "20971520"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.minfreediskspace" -v "5242880"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.rollovertime" -v "86400"

ProcedureTo Unconfigure Message Trace Logging


    To unconfigure the msgtrace log file, use the configutil command to remove all references to its configuration. For example:

    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.buffersize" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.expirytime" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.flushinterval" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.logdir" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.loglevel" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.logtype" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.maxlogfiles" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.maxlogfilesize" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.maxlogsize" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.minfreediskspace" -v ""
    configutil -o "local.logfile.msgtrace.rollovertime" -v ""

ProcedureTo Configure LMTP Logging


    If you are using LMTP, and not using a single “msgtrace” log file, then you must also locally configure the tcp_lmtp_server log file. If you are not using LMTP, or are not using message trace, or are using message trace in the “msgtrace” log file, you do not need to initialize the LMTP Message Store side log. (LMTP already logs MTA information separately.) For example:

    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.buffersize" -v "0"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.expirytime" -v "604800"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.flushinterval" -v "60"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.logdir" -v \
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.loglevel" -v "Information"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.logtype" -v "NscpLog"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.maxlogfiles" -v "10"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.maxlogfilesize" -v "2097152"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.maxlogsize" -v "20971520"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.minfreediskspace" \
       -v "5242880"
    configutil -o "local.logfile.tcp_lmtp_server.rollovertime" -v "86400"