Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Diagnosing and Cleaning up .HELD Messages

If the MTA detects that messages are bouncing between servers or channels, delivery is halted and the messages are stored in a file with the suffix .HELD in /msg_svr_base/data/queue/channel. Typically, a message loop occurs because each server or channel thinks the other is responsible for delivery of the message.

For example, an end user may set an option to forward messages on two separate mail hosts to one another. On his account, the end-user enables mail forwarding to his account. And, forgetting that he has enabled this setting, he sets mail forwarding on his account to his account.

A loop can also occur with a faulty MTA configuration. For example, MTA Host X thinks that messages for go to Host Y. However, Host Y thinks that Host X should handle messages for; as a result, Host Y returns the mail to Host X.

In these cases, the message is ignored by the MTA and no further delivery is attempted. When such a problem occurs, look at the header lines in the message to determine which server or channel is bouncing the message. Fix the entry as needed.

You can also retry the .HELD message by running imsimta qm release or following these steps:

  1. Rename the .HELD extension to any 2 digit number other than 00. For example, .HELD to .06.

    Note –

    Before renaming the .HELD file, be sure that the message has stopped looping.

  2. Run imsimta cache -sync. Running this command will update the cache.

  3. Run imsimta submit channel or imsimta run channel.

It may be necessary to perform these steps multiple times, since the message may again be marked as .HELD, because the Received: header lines accumulate.