Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Add a Message Store Partition

  1. From Console, open the Messaging Server you want to configure.

  2. Click the Configuration tab and select Message Store in the left pane.

  3. Click the Partition tab in the right pane.

  4. Click the Add button.

  5. Enter the Partition nickname.

    This is the logical name for the specified partition.

  6. Enter the Partition path.

    This is the absolute path name for the specified partition.

  7. To specify this as the default message store partition, click the selection box labeled Make This the Default Partition.

    Note –

    The default partition is the partition used when a user is created and the mailMessageStore LDAP attribute is not specified in the user entry. The mailMessageStore LDAP attribute should be specified in all user entries so that a default partition is not necessary.

  8. Click OK to submit this partition configuration entry and dismiss the window.

  9. Click Save to submit and preserve the current Partition list.

    Command Line

    To add a partition to the store at the command line:

    configutil -o store.partition.nickname.path -v path

    where nickname is the logical name of the partition and path indicates the absolute path name where the partition is stored.

    To specify the path of the default primary partition:

    configutil -o store.partition.primary.path -v path