Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Define a Quota Warning Message

Define the message that will be sent to users who are close to exceeding their disk quota as follows. Messages are sent to the user’s mailbox.

  1. Click the Quota tab.

  2. From the drop-down list, choose the language you want to use.

  3. Type the message you want to send in the message text field below the drop-down list.

  4. Click Save.

    Command Line

    To define a quota warning message at the command line:

    configutil -o store.quotaexceededmsg -v ’message

    The message must be in RFC 822 format. It must contain a header with at least a subject line, follow by $$, then the message body. ’$’ represents a new line. Depending on the shell that you are using, it might be necessary to append a \ before $ to escape the special meaning of $. ($ is often the escape character for the shell.) Example:

    configutil -o store.quotaexceededmsg -v ”Subject: WARNING: User quota exceeded$$User quota threshold exceeded - reduce space used.’

    In addition, there is support for the following variables:

    [ID] - userid

    [DISKUSAGE] - disk usage

    [NUMMSG] - number of messages

    [PERCENT] - store.quotawarn percentage

    [QUOTA] - mailquota attribute

    [MSGQUOTA] - mailmsgquota attribute

    Here’s an example, using these variables:

    configutil -o store.quotaexceededmsg -v ”Subject: Overquota Warning$$[ID],$$Your mailbox size has exceeded [PERCENT] of its alloted quota.$Disk Usage: [DISKUSAGE]$Number of Messages: [NUMMSG]$Mailquota: [QUOTA]$Message Quota: [MSGQUOTA]$$-Postmaster’

    To define how often the warning message is sent:

    configutil -o store.quotaexceededmsginterval -v number

    where number indicates a number of days. For example, 3 would mean the message is sent every 3 days.