Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Enable Quota Enforcement

Quota enforcement can be enabled at the Console or by command line.

  1. Click the Quota tab.

  2. Check the “Enable quota enforcement” box. To disable quota enforcement, uncheck this box.

  3. Click Save.

    Command Line

    To enable or disable quota enforcement:

    configutil -o store.quotaenforcement -v [ on | off]

    Note that over quota messages are saved in the MTA queues and a notification is sent to the sender stating that their messages was not delivered but that a redelivery attempt will be made later. Delivery retries will continue until the grace period expires and all messages are sent back to the senders, or the disk usage falls below the quota and messages can be dequeued from the MTA and delivered to the message store. If you want to return messages that are over quota before they get to the message queues, use the following command line:

    configutil -o store.overquotastatus -v on