Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Specify a Web Proxy

  1. Log in to the Application Server Admin Console as described in To Use the Application Server Admin Console.

  2. Expand the Configurations node.

  3. Expand the server node, server-config (Admin Config).

  4. Click JVM Settings.

  5. Click the JVM Options tab.

  6. Click Add JVM Option.

  7. In the text field, type the following (all on one line):

    -Dhttp.proxyHost=hostname.domainname -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080

    The port value is usually 8080. If the port is different in your location, specify the correct value.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Follow the instructions in To Stop and Restart the Application Server Domain for the Registry.