Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes

The Key New Properties Added for Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents

This section describes the key properties that were added to the web agent configuration file in conjunction with the hot patches bundled in the 2.2-01 web agent release. For each property listed in this section, the following information is provided:

Property Added:

Change Request:


This property was added to allow you to disable the Nagle algorithm. When the agent and an associated load balancer both use the Nagle algorithm, buffering of small packets can take place, causing network delays and performance problems.

Property Added:

Change Request:


This property was added to Policy Agent to allow all cookies set by the agents to be marked as secure. A cookie marked as secure is only transmitted if the communications channel with the host is secure. Therefore, only secure cookies are sent to HTTPS servers.

Property Made Available:

Change Request:


This property was made available to both Access Manager and Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0 to allow Access Manager to send an encrypted password to Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0.

This property was not specifically added to the configuration file of Access Manager or Policy Agent but simply made available. Therefore, if you want to set this property, you must add both the property name and the corresponding value. For more information, see Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0.

Property Added:

Change Request:


When set to true, this property enables encoding of special characters, such as Chinese characters in the URL before the request is sent for policy evaluation. Otherwise, the use of special characters in the URL can cause unreliable results, even causing the web server to crash. The default setting is false. Enable this property by setting it as follows: = true

Property Made Available:

Change Request:


This property is specific to Apache-HTTP-Server related web agents in the Policy Agent 2.2 software set. The default for this property is false.

This property was made available to address a delay that occurs when Apache HTTP Server spawns a new process. The parent process goes to sleep for up to one second to allow the child process to get into commission. This one second delay applies to every process that the Apache HTTP Server spawns.

Setting this property to true, as shown in the following example, reduces the delay down to a range from ten microseconds to one millisecond. = true

This property was not specifically added to the web agent configuration file, but simply made available. Therefore, to set this property to true, you must add both the property name and the value.

Properties Made Available for Microsoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access

Properties Made Available:

Microsoft Office SharePoint: = login

Microsoft Outlook Web = true

Change Request:


These new properties were added to indicate whether or not Microsoft Office SharePoint or Outlook Web Access is configured.

These properties were not specifically added to the web agent configuration file, but simply made available. Therefore, to configure these properties, you must add the applicable property name and its corresponding value.