Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Secure Remote Access

If you have installed Secure Remote Access, use the following procedure to enable the gateway.

  1. Specify the complete protocol and fully qualified domain name for Non Authenticated URL list in PortalServer7–base/export/request/enableSRAForPortal.xml file. By default, PortalServer7–base is /opt/SUNWportal. Use the following amadmin command:

    ./amadmin --runasdn ADMIN_DN --password ampassword --verbose --continue --data file

  2. Do the following if Gateway is configured:

    cd /etc/opt/SUNWportal/default
    chmod -R 755 *
  3. To enable access to the Portal Server via the Gateway, see 4 Enabling Access to the Portal Server Via the Gateway.

  4. To enable Gateway to access the Portal Server administration console, modify enablePSConsoleForGW.xml file and use the following amadmin command to load the file.

    AccessManager-base/bin/amadmin -u amadmin -w amadmin-pwd -t enablePSConsoleForGW.xml. By default, AccessManager-base is /opt/SUNWam