Sun Java System Instant Messaging Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Sun Java™ System Instant Messaging Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Version 7 2005Q4

Part Number 819-4260-10

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 for Windows. Known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using Instant Messaging 7.

The most up-to-date version of these release notes can be found at the Sun Java System documentation web site: the web site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter to view the most up-to-date release notes and product documentation.

These release notes contain the following sections:

Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.


Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Release Notes Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 


Description of Changes

February 2006

Revenue release.

November 2005

Beta release.

About Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4

Sun Java System Instant Messaging delivers secure presence and extended real-time messaging, enabling communities of users to communicate and collaborate instantly and securely. It combines instant messaging capabilities with conferences, alerts, news, polling and file transfer to create a rich collaborative environment. It leverages an existing community, managed using LDAP, Sun Java™ System Access Manager or Sun Java™ System Portal Server.

This section includes:

What’s New in Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4

This section includes the following topics:


The Instant Messaging Installation Guide has been discontinued. If you are installing Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 for the first time, see the Sun Java System Enterprise System Installation Guide for installation instructions.

If you are using Access Manager with Instant Messaging you need to configure Access Manager in compatibility mode. This version of Instant Messaging is not compatible with the “Enhanced (version 7.x style)” Access Manager.


This section lists the requirements for installing Instant Messaging software. Before you install, ensure that you have met the minimum hardware and operating system requirements. JRE 1.4 is supported by both the server and the client.

The following hardware and software are required for this release of Instant Messaging software.

Server Operating System Requirements

This release of Sun Java System Instant Messaging requires the following platforms:

Server Software Requirements

This version of Instant Messaging is compatible with the following versions of other server software:

Server Hardware Requirements

The following are the minimum hardware requirements for installing Sun Java System Instant Messaging:

Client Operating System Requirements

This release supports the following client platforms:

Client Software Requirements

On Windows, you can run Instant Messenger using the browser’s java plug-in from the following browsers:

If the client machine has Java 1.4 or later version installed, there are no additional requirements to use either Java Plug-in or Java Web Start. Netscape™ Navigator v7 as well as the recent versions of the Mozilla™ browser include Java v1.4 or higher. Internet Explorer does not include the latest version of Java. If you experience problems using the client with Java 1.4, upgrade to 5.0. JDK™ 5.0.

If the client machine does not have Java v1.4 or a higher version installed, you must install Java Web Start. You can download and Install Java v1.4. from the following location:

You can download and install Java Web Start from the following location:

HTML links can be exchanged over Instant Messenger and activated from the messenger by clicking them. When a link is activated, the messenger invokes a browser. The following table lists supported operating system and browser combinations:

Table 2  Supported Client OS and Browser Combinations 

Operating System


Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003

No restrictions


Netscape Communicator 4.7x or later

Red Hat Linux 7.x

Netscape 4.7

Red Hat Linux 8.0 or later

Mozilla 1.2 or later

Mac OS X

No restrictions

Client Hardware Requirements

Instant Messenger uses between 20 and 40 MB of memory on most platforms. You should estimate the memory requirement by including the requirements of other applications (including operating systems) used on the client machine. In most cases, at least 128 MB RAM is recommended in order to run Instant Messenger and other applications comfortably. This number becomes higher when using memory-intensive operating systems.

Bugs Fixed in This Release

describes problems fixed in this Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 release.

Table 3  Fixed Bugs in Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4

Issue Number



When an end user deletes an active privacy profile, the server still continues to apply the deleted active privacy profile even though Instant Messenger shows the privacy profile to be deleted.


Previously, for locales other than English, for example Japanese, you couldn’t change access rights for a conference room to READ. Instead, when you saved, the access right was changed to NONE. This no longer occurs.


When you add a user to your contact list, the Conference tab no longer gains the focus in the Instant Messenger client’s main window.

6198525, 6207036

In Conference and News Channels, you need to set default access for users before granting special access.


Previously, if you were using the French localized version of the resource files, you needed to add an escape character to the apostrophes in the resource files. You no longer need to do this.


While running the configure utility in Japanese, some of the screen element titles were truncated.


Email alerts that contain multibyte characters are now readable.


Changes made to a user entry in the LDAP directory are not reflected in Instant Messaging until the cache is revalidated. By default this happens every 10 minutes or every time the Instant Messaging server is started. Workaround: Restart the Instant Messaging server or set the cache validity interval to a more appropriate number. To change this interval, add the iim.policy.cache.validity parameter and its desired value to iim.conf.

Important Information

This section covers the following topics:

Installation Notes

If you choose to use Sun Java System Access Manager to store policies when configuring Instant Messaging, policies like the following are created:

Patch Requirement Information

The following table gives the numbers and minimum versions for the alignment patches. All patches referred to in this section are the minimum version number required for upgrade. It is possible that a new version of the patch has been issued since this document was published. A newer version is indicated by a different version number at the end of the patch. For example: 123456-04 is a newer version of 123456-02 but they are the same patch ID. Refer to the README file for each patch listed for special instructions.

To access the patches, go to

Table 4  Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 Alignment Patches Required For Windows

Patch Number

Patch Description


Windows (MSI): Shared Components


Windows (MSI): Sun Java™ System Application Server 8.1 2005Q2


Windows (MSI): Sun Java™ System Web Server 6.1 SP5 2005Q4


Windows (MSI): Sun Java™ System Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4

For detailed information about Upgrade procedure of the Instant Messaging from JES3 to JES4 refer Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows located at

Compatibility Issues

lists the known incompatibilities between Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 and earlier versions.

Table 5  Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 Compatibility Issues




Instant Messaging 7 is incompatible with the 2004Q2 versions of Portal Server and Messaging Server.

Upgrade Portal Server and Messaging Server when upgrading Instant Messaging 7.


Instant Messaging 7 is incompatible with 7.x(2005 Q4) versions of Access Manager


Configure Access Manager in legacy mode

Due to a protocol change the Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 server is not able to communicate with a server of an older version in federated deployments.

Instant Messaging federated deployment sites will need to upgrade all the servers. The existing deployments who do not wish to upgrade the server will have to explicitly set the property of collaboration session factory object to use the legacy protocol implementation.

You should coordinate the upgrade to limit the length of time during which servers will be unable to communicate with each other.

Client - Server Communication

Due to the protocol change the older versions of the client will not be able to communicate with the newer versions of the server and vice versa.

The sites will need to upgrade both the client and server at the same time.

Sun Java System Instant Messaging 6 2004Q2 is incompatible with shared components that ship with Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4.

You will need to upgrade all Instant Messaging components. See the Sun Java System Access Manager release notes for further information about this incompatibility.


The Instant Messaging SDK implementation of the Legacy Instant Messaging/Presence protocol is now bundled.

By default, the Instant Messaging SDK APIs use the implementation based on the XMPP protocol. Applications will have to explicitly set the property of collaboration session factory object to use the Legacy protocol implementation.


The SDK component includes additional jar files: The Instant Messaging SDK uses the JSO (JABBER Stream Objects) libraries.

In order to take advantage of XMPP, you will need to modify the classpath for older applications using the Instant Messaging SDK.


Documentation Updates

This section contains information about changes to and errors in the documentation in the following sections:

Documentation Set

The 2005Q4 release of Instant Messaging uses the following version of the Administration Guide:

Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7 2005Q1 Administration Guide (

Administration Guide

This section lists changes to the Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

Change to Default Value for iim_agent.enable Parameter

(Bug Number: 5102072) In this release, the default value of the iim_agent.enable parameter has been changed to false. This change was not reflected in the Administration Guide.

Parameter Removed From iim.conf

The configuration parameter is no longer supported although it is incorrectly included in the list of parameters in the Administration Guide.

Enabling the Instant Messenger Archive Control Component for Java Plug-in

(Bug Number: 6244099) The Administration Guide procedure for enabling the Instant Messenger Archive Control component for the Java Plug-in is incorrect. Use the procedure described in Changes for HTML applet pages and pluginLaunch.jsp files instead.

Changes for HTML applet pages and pluginLaunch.jsp files

If you are using Java Plug-in to launch the Instant Messenger, perform the following steps to enable the Instant Messenger Archive Control feature in the Instant Messenger.

  To Enable Instant Messenger Archive Control for Java Plug-in

  1. Go to the Instant Messenger documentation root directory and locate the im.html and imssl.html files
  2. By default, the files are installed in the following location:


  3. Open the .html files in a text editor.
  4. Add or edit the following line as required:
  5. <PARAM NAME="archive_control" VALUE="true" />

    <EMBED archive_control=true;/>

Storing Archived Messages in a Non-default Portal Server Search Database

An error occurs in the procedure. Specifically, the following directory:


should be:


For example:


Configuring the Server to Allow New User Registration

The new user registration feature is not completely described in the Administration Guide. In addition to customizing Instant Messenger, you also need to configure the server to allow new user registration.

To do this, you need to add four configuration parameters to iim.conf then refresh the server configuration. describes the configuration parameters.

Table 6  New User Registration Server Configuration Parameters




If TRUE, the server allows new Instant Messaging end users to register themselves (add themselves to the directory) using Instant Messenger.


If TRUE, the server allows new Instant Messaging end users to register themselves (add themselves to the directory) using Instant Messenger.


If self-registration is enabled, the value of this parameter is the DN of the location in the LDAP directory in which person entries are stored. For example:



The domain of the LDAP server. For example:

  To Configure the Server to Allow New User Registration

  1. Open iim.conf in a text editor.
  2. Add the configuration parameters and appropriate values as described in .
  3. Save and close iim.conf.
  4. Restart the server

Additional Logging Parameter for XMPP Traffic

(Issue Number: 5070998) An additional undocumented logging parameter has been added to this release to collect XMPP messages in a separate log file.

   To Configure the Server to Create the XMPP Message Log

  1. Open iim.conf.
  2. By default, the iim.conf file is installed in the configuration directory as follows:

    <install-dir>\Instant Messaging\config\iim.conf

    If you created multiple instances of Instant Messaging, the name of the /default directory will vary depending on the instance.

  3. Enable the following line by removing the comment characters:
  4. iim.log4j.config=log4j.conf

    If the line does not exist, add it.

  5. Save and close iim.conf.
  6. Create a file named log4j.conf and save it to the configuration directory.
  7. Add the following to log4j.conf:
  8. log4j.logger.xmppd=INFO, A1

    # DEFAULT TO RollingFileAppender






    # More example appenders..

    # Straight to console..

    # log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender

    # log4j.appender.A1.ImmediateFlush=true

    # Rollover at midnight..

    # log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender

    # log4j.appender.A1.DatePattern=’.’yyyy-MM-dd

    # log4j.appender.A1.file=${logdir}/xmppd.log

    # log4j.appender.A1.ImmediateFlush=true

    # log4j.appender.A1.append=true

    # Send to SMTP..

    # log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.SMTPAppender


    # DEFAULT TO PatternLayout


    # For full dates..

    log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{DATE}] %-5p %c [%t] %m%n

    # IM traditional output format..

    #log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %c [%t] %m%n

    # More example layouts

    # XMLLayout for chainsaw consumption

    # log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.xml.XMLLayout

    # TTCCLayout for NDC information

    # log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.xml.TTCCLayout

    # log4j.appender.A1.layout.DateFormat=ISO8601

    # log4j.appender.A1.layout.TimeZoneID=GMT-8:00

    # log4j.appender.A1.layout.CategoryPrefixing=false

    # log4j.appender.A1.layout.ThreadPrinting=false

    # log4j.appender.A1.layout.ContextPrinting=false

    # Now we list logger/appender/layout for the other default loggers, but only the defaults..

    log4j.logger.iim_wd=ERROR, A2







    log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{DATE}] %-5p %c [%t] %m%n

    # For separate xmpp traffic log, disabled by default.

    log4j.logger.xmppd.xfer=DEBUG, A3


    # Select next block instead of previous line to enable separate transfer log


    # log4j.appender.A3.file=${logdir}/xfer.log

    # log4j.appender.A3.append=true

    # log4j.appender.A3.maxBackupIndex=7

    # log4j.appender.A3.maxFileSize=5mb

    # log4j.appender.A3.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout

    # # Note, simpler default output than above 3 loggers:

    # log4j.appender.A3.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{DATE}] %-5p %c [%t] %m%n

    log4j.logger.agent-calendar=ERROR, A4







    log4j.appender.A4.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{DATE}] %-5p %c [%t] %m%n, A5







    log4j.appender.A5.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{DATE}] %-5p %c [%t] %m%n

  9. Save and close log4j.conf.
  10. Restart the server:
  11. <install-dir>\Instant Messaging\bin\xmppd -stop

    <install-dir>\Instant Messaging\bin\xmppd -start

Accessibility Features for People With Disabilities

To obtain accessibility features that have been released since the publishing of this media, consult Section 508 product assessments available from Sun upon request to determine which versions are best suited for deploying accessible solutions. Updated versions of applications can be found at:

For information on Sun's commitment to accessibility, visit

Known Issues and Limitations

This section describes the known issues and limitations of Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 for Windows.

Table 7  Known Issues and Limitations

Bug ID



Active Perl 5.8.3 is required to be pre-installed on the system if Instant Messaging, Messaging Server and Calendar Server are selected for installation.


In order to use customize the font of multibyte characters, you need to type in your text first, then highlight the text and apply the font customization.


Alerts with embedded images are not rendered faithfully.

When a recipient receives an alert with embedded images, the images are not centered and font information present in the accompanying text is lost.


Custom statuses cannot be removed.


The least used statuses are eventually removed. To remove one immediately, add five new customized statuses and the oldest one will disappear.


If the Calendar server alarm type is set to text/xml, that is: caldb.serveralarms.contenttype = "text/xml"

The Reminder field in the Instant Messenger Task Due Reminder alert window is blank.


Set this field to "text/calendar".


Confusing behavior occurs when inviting a user to a conference when that user does not have the correct permissions to join the conference. It appears as if you invited the user, when in fact, the user never received the invitation.


Can’t create conf_room/news using certain gb18030 characters.

Since conference and news ACL file names are written using names fed from Instant Messenger, there is a problem creating ACLs when the names contain Tibetan or Arabic characters.


Printing errors occur with Instant Messenger in some locales.


Cut and paste the text you want to print to another application that can print.


Read-only users and fully privileged users within chat room are indistinguishable. This might be confusing if a user attempts to send a message to a user with read-only privileges. The read-only user will not receive the message.


Users cannot send messages when a moderator has denied presence access for the user.


When multiple Instant Messaging policies are applied to a user, the policies can contradict one another. For example, when the “Regular” and “Conference Room Administrator” policies are attributed to a user, the user is unable to manage conference rooms.


Edit the regular user policy by clearing the “Ability to manage conference rooms” checkbox. This will ensure that the two policies do not conflict.


The Web Poll tab on the Alert window doesn’t display some web pages correctly. This is a limitation of the Java HTML renderer.


Send URLs using Message Creation tab instead of the Web Poll tab.


Windows task bar menu labels are not rendered properly in some locales with multibyte characters. The menu functionality is not affected.


In zh_HK locales, Instant Messenger displays English.


In order to see traditional Chinese (zh_TW) messages on a machine that uses a zh_HK locale for login, you need to create a symbolic link to zh_TW


A problem with the archive provider enables end users to view archived data in search results.


News message properties are not sent with news messages. As a result, the following client capabilities might be affected: Subject is not displayed along with the news message. Cannot change lines in the news message so that everything appears collapsed. The formatting of the news messages might be lost. Unable to send attachments. Unable to send images.


In server-to-server communications, news channel access rights might not work for end users. For example, a user whose access is set to NONE is able to have READ access.


In server-to-server communications, an end user subscribed to a news channel on a different server is unable to chat with the message creator of the news channel.


In server-to-server communications, access rights for end users, such as NONE, READ, and WRITE, do not function properly in conference rooms.

5065241, 5080586

Users are given the option to change presence status while Instant Messenger is not connected to the server. Any modifications made to status while disconnected do not take effect.


If you create a new contact group in Instant Messenger but do not assign any contacts to the group, then logout and log back in, the contact group no longer appears in the contact list.


Add a contact to the contact group before logging out of Instant Messenger.


User status remains online even after the network connection is lost.


The Instant Messenger Login dialog box does not necessarily display the server the end user last successfully logged into. This behavior is inconsistent with the behavior for username, where the last successfully used username is displayed in the Login dialog box.


  1. On the Login dialog box, click More Detail.
  2. Select the appropriate server from the Server drop-down list.


Unable to register a new user with a server that does not mandate a password field. This is because Instant Messenger views the password field as required even if the server does not.


Changes users make on the Settings dialog box Privacy tab are saved as the changes are made, not when the user clicks OK. For this reason, if you click Cancel after making changes on this tab, the changes are saved anyway.


An additional carriage return might be added when cutting and pasting text in Instant Messenger.


If you install the Sun Java System Access Manager on a different host from the Instant Messaging server, you need to manually copy the imServices_* files from the Instant Messaging server host to the Access Manager host after you run the configure utility.

To do this:

  1. Locate the imService_*.properties files on the Instant Messaging server host. By default, these files are located under <install-dir>\Instant Messaging\lib
  2. Copy the files to the locale directory on the Sun Java System Access Manager host. By default this directory is <install-dir>\AccessManager\locale


The title and sender might not be displayed in the News window.


If you change access permissions for users already in a conference room, the changes do not take effect until you relaunch the conference room window.


Close and relaunch the conference room window to update access permissions.

6213223, 6217766

If you post a message to a news channel then log out without viewing the message you just posted, the message appears to be lost. The messages are there, just not visible.


View any messages you post to news channels before logging out of Instant Messenger, or unsubscribe and resubscribe to the news channel.


The Administration Guide contains confusing information for enabling the Instant Messenger Archive Control component for the Java Plug-in. This component is not present in this release.


On Windows 2000, in localized versions of Instant Messenger, the first item in the folder pop-up menu does not display correctly. The text should say “Collapse.”

Workaround: On client systems, use JDK 1.4.2 instead of JDK 1.5 (5.0).


Instant Messenger disconnects from the server after a time period different from the value set for the iim_server.clienttimeout parameter in iim.conf.

Workaround: Specify the following system property using the -D option:

Set the value to the number of seconds after which you want Instant Messenger to start sending bytes to the server. These bytes are only used to prevent the time out and subsequent disconnect.


If Instant Messenger becomes disconnected from the server, it may not function properly when it reconnects. For example, presence information may not be displayed correctly, and conference rooms will not work.

Workaround: To join a conference room after a disconnect occurs, click the chat icon instead of double-clicking the conference on the Conferences tab. In addition, you can download the product patch from SunSolve Online (


Windows menu does not start all services.

Workaround: imadmin.bat should no be used to start the services. Either the services should be started from the service control panel or using multiplexorservice.exe -start, or watchdogservice.exe -start, or xmppd.exe -start.

To stop the services, use multiplexorservice.exe -stop, or watchdogservice.exe -stop, or xmppd.exe -stop or from the service control panel.


To integrate Instant Messaging with Portal Server, jar files are required to be added in webcontainer classpath.


If Portal Server is deployed to web server, edit the classpath in server.xml. Add the paths for imservice.jar, jso.jar and xp.jar in the classpath. Restart the Web Server.

If Portal Server is deployed to Application Server edit the classpath in domain.xml. Add the paths for imservice.jar, jso.jar and xp.jar in the classpath. Restart the Application Server.

Redistributable Files

Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 does not contain any files which you can redistribute.

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Sun Java System Instant Messaging, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions.

To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document. For example, the title of this book is Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7 2005Q4 Release Notes for Microsoft Windows, and the part number is 819-4260-10.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following Internet locations:

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