Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0

Troubleshooting Symptom 1

Symptom: Cannot install the web agent after a previous installation has been removed.

Possible Causes:

Possible Solution: To resolve the issue, manually remove the web agent as explained in the following task description.

ProcedureTo Manually Remove Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0

  1. Stop all of the web sites.

  2. Stop all of the application pools.

  3. Remove Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0.

    1. In the Start menu, select Control Panel->Add/Remove programs

    2. Select Sun Java System Access Manager for IIS6.0

    3. Click Remove

  4. Remove entries from product registry

    1. Issue the following command from the command line:

    2. Traverse to the following:

    3. Click Software

    4. Click Sun Microsystems

    5. Remove the following entry:

      Access Manager IIS6 Agent

  5. Remove the PolicyAgent-base directory from the server.

    where PolicyAgent-base represents the directory in which the web agent was originally installed.

  6. Remove the following entries from the PATH variable:

    • PolicyAgent-base\bin

    • PolicyAgent-base\iis6\bin

  7. Restart the server.