Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0

Microsoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: Editing the Agent Properties File

This section applies to both Microsoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access. For the task presented in this section, you must edit the web agent configuration file.

After you have completed the task, a variety of other configurations are required for Outlook Web Access only, some of which also involve editing the web agent configuration file. Those tasks are presented in Outlook Web Access: Configuring Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0.

The instructions provided in this section are similar to the instructions for adding the property, to the configuration file as described in Microsoft SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: To Prepare for Installation.

The same property and respective value added to the configuration file must now be added to the web agent configuration file.

ProcedureMicrosoft SharePoint or Outlook Web Access: To Edit the Agent Properties File

This task describes how to configure the property in the web agent configuration file.

For information about the location of the web agent configuration file, see Locating the Web Agent Configuration File.

  1. Open the web agent configuration file.

  2. Add the following property to the file:
  3. Copy the string from the des_key.txt file.

    For more information on the des_key.txt file, see Microsoft SharePoint and Outlook Web Access: To Prepare for Installation.

  4. Add the copied string as the value of the property.

    For example, if the string in the des_key.txt file is wuqUJyr=5Gc=, then the new property would be set as follows: = wuqUJyr=5Gc=
  5. (Conditional) If you are configuring the agent for Microsoft SharePoint, save and close the web agent configuration file.

    For Outlook Web Access, further configuration is required. Therefore, you can save the configuration file, but you might want to keep it open. Skip to Outlook Web Access: Configuring Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0.

  6. (Conditional) If you are configuring the agent for Microsoft SharePoint, restart the Microsoft IIS 6.0 Server.

    A method for restarting this server is to enter iisreset in a command window.

Next Steps

At this point, the next task to be implemented varies depending on if you are deploying this agent to protect Microsoft Office SharePoint or Outlook Web Access.

If you are installing this agent to protect Microsoft Office SharePoint, continue to the next section, Microsoft Office SharePoint: Configuring Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0, to complete an additional configuration task specific to Microsoft Office SharePoint.

If you are installing this agent to protect Outlook Web Access, skip to Outlook Web Access: Configuring Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0, to complete additional configuration tasks specific to Outlook Web Access.